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The settlement of
the West evokes images of
sodbusters using steel ploughs to cut through the grassy prairie
soil. But other technologies were required to make the Canadian
dream of a country stretching from sea to sea a reality. The story
of the coming of the railroads and the last spike are well known and
a part of the Canadian sensibility. Another
technology—telecommunications technology—also played an important
role in that part of the western territories that would become the
Province of Alberta in 1905. In 1877, James Walker, a member of the
North West Mounted Police, was the first person to receive a
telegraph message in Calgary. Alexander Taylor, Dominion
Telegraph Agent in Edmonton, in 1884, ordered two telephones from
England and created the first telephone link in the Province between
Edmonton and St. Albert.
Discover the telephone story in Alberta—the
achievements, the politics, the competitions, the personalities, the
equipment and regulations—in this freewheeling period when the
Province was being created. The telephone supported
government, business as well as making possible domestic
communication. This was the beginning of the modern age in a
territory following on the end of the fur trade.
Search the site and find out about the:
Communications History—This section provides an overview of
telecommunications from the telegraph to wireless communications.
Telephone Era
in Alberta—This section tells the story of the telephone in
Alberta including the history, technology, companies and the people.
Telephone Heritage—This section showcases the dynamic collection
of the Telephone Historical Information Centre through virtual
exhibits, digital collections, oral histories and educational
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Heritage Community Foundation and
Telephone Historical Centre All Rights Reserved