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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Places to Go

Welcome to your online travel guide to Alberta's museums, parks, historic sites and interpretive centres. From sites rich in Aboriginal history, to fur trade posts, forts, missions,pioneer museums and science and technology centres—Alberta has it all.

There are also wonderful natural history facilities from dinosaurs to zoos,historic gardens to conservatories. All are part of Alberta’s rich historical, natural, cultural, scientific and technological heritage. Of course,we also have moose,Mounties and mountains!.

Use the guide to find museums of interest to you and your family whether you are half an hour or half a world away.

Alberta has a number of strong regional museum organizations that collaborate in a range of activities. The Heritage Community Foundation is proud to partner with a number of them and you can search their collections online at the Alberta Online Encyclopedia.

Spirit of the Peace Museums Network

Established in1989, this network has undertaken collections managment, marketing and exhibit development projects. They have partnered with the Heritage Community Foundation on digitization and web development projects. Visit the following sites:

The Making of Treaty #8—This project began as a travelling photograph exhibit commemorating the signing of the Treaty and became a major Virtual Museum of Canada website in Canada's two official languages.

Spirit of the Peace Online Catalogue—Discover the breadth of historical, natural, cultural, scientific and technological collections of Peace Network museums.

Heritage of the Mighty Peace—This website provides insight into the Peace Region from its First Nations history through settlement to contemporary life.

Central Alberta Regional Museums Network (CARMN)

The Central Alberta Regional Museums Network (CARMN) when a number of Central Alberta museums collaborated on two research and publications projects:

• Who We Are: The Women of Aspenland Project began in 1995 and initially involved 11 community museums in documenting the lives of local women, and creating museum exhibits.

• Aspenland 1998: Local Knowledge and a Sense of Place, a publication in which a range of writers explore different aspects of place in central Alberta.

Both projects were led by David J. Goa, Curator of Folklife at the Royal Alberta Museum of Alberta and Morris Flewwelling, Executive Director of the Red Deer and District Museum.  Each of the participating network museums decided that each year they would document the lives and work of a few women in their respective communities.

Women of Aspenland—This Virtual Museum of Canada exhibit draws on community-based research to provide a women's perspective on Western Canadian History. You can not only explore the women's profiles but also read contextual essays.

Central Alberta Regional Museums Network Online Catalogue — Discover the breadth of historical, natural, cultural, scientific and technological collections of CARMN museums.

Year of the Coal Miner

This important Canada's Cultural Capitals project was led by the Galt Museum, Lethbridge, and involved mining museums from the Drumheller Valley to the Elk Valley in British Columbia. The Heritage Community Foundation was an active partner digitizing, promoting and taking on website development.

When Coal Was King—This dynamic website provides insight into the technological development of Western Canada. It's all here—the resource politics that resulted in the building of railways, the opening of coal mines and establishment of communities. Discover this boom and bust time in our history including the 1919 General Strike that lasted nine months in Drumheller.

Doors Open Alberta

This collaborative marketing initiative was launched by the Heritage Community Foundation and celebrates the architectural heritage of the province. Visit the website and find out about the community events, discover the periods, eras and styles of our architectural history, and explore the online learning resource—The Doors Open Alberta Edukit.



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