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Capital Ex and Northlands Park Make History!

Capital Ex LogoThe City of Edmonton’s annual exhibition has taken on new life in 2006 under the name Capital Ex, but the history of Edmonton’s exhibition, and of Northlands Park, the organizer and host of the ten-day event, stretches all the way back to the late 19th century!

Fête franco-albertaine!

St. Jean-Baptiste Day on 24 June is well known across Canada as a celebration of French-Canadian history and culture, but Franco-Albertans have known since 1989 that the party doesn’t stop there! Every summer, Francophones and Francophiles in Alberta celebrate La Fête franco-albertaine, a French-Canadian festival with a unique Albertan flavour.

Have Fun This Summer at Edukits.ca!

Hey kids! What has fun facts, features cool interactive activities, knows everything about Alberta, and lives online? It’s none other than www.Edukits.ca , your multimedia gateway to a fun and educational summer!

2006 Doors Open Alberta Events:

From spring to autumn 2006 tourists in communities participating in Doors Open Alberta [ http://www.doorsopenalberta.com/index.html ] will be able to tour inside chosen special Alberta places. The Doors Open Alberta initiative celebrates the people, places and architecture across Alberta. The Doors Open project is a part of an international effort to showcase the built heritage of people and their communities around the world

Carving Faces, Carving Lives Book CoverCarving Faces, Carving Lives: People of the Boreal Forest

The Heritage Community Foundation has launch its first print publication, Carving Faces, Carving Lives: People of the Boreal Forest. This remarkable book by author and photographer Terry Garvin promises to be a valuable resource for all who seek greater understanding of traditional Aboriginal life and culture.

Book order form (PDF)
Poster series order form (PDF)

The Foundation's communications and awareness initiatives serve to build public awareness and engagement in heritage and the work of the Foundation. These includes the following:

  • Heritage Link Newsletter (print and online versions)—this keeps partners, funders and friends of the Foundation up-to-date on progress and new initiatives
  • It's Our Alberta Heritage Multimedia Campaign—this marketing and awareness initiative targets key audiences. Print ads, conference and trade show presentations, television and radio public service announcements, promotional bookmarks, etc.
  • Alberta Centennial Vignette/PSA ProjectThis project consists of 15 one-minute vignettes or public service announcements celebrating Alberta’s heritage. These “Alberta Moments” are currently being broadcast on Alberta television stations. We have produced four to date, with four more in pre-production and one awaiting editing in post-production.  These centennial vignettes are based on key moments in Alberta's history as well as showcasing the contributions of individuals, communities and organizations.
  • Albertasource.caAlberta Online Encyclopedia Launch Coverage—The Alberta Online Encyclopedia is the culmination of 6 years hard work. The launch at the Odyssium - Telus World of Science in Edmonton was a perfect match.