The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation
& Community Relations Outreach Program
The Edmonton Oilers continue to be a source of pride for Northern Alberta, and have established a rich tradition of “Oilers hockey” that contributes to the City of Champion’s dominant role in Canadian Sports History.
For more than two decades, our Hockey Club has given assistance in a variety of ways to thousands of community organizations. To continue that legacy of giving, we have created the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation. Our Foundation is dedicated to building strong and vibrant communities by contributing its unique resources and financial support to charitable organizations that serve the communities of Northern Alberta.
The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation will direct its resources to areas where we it can have the most impact. We will invest in programs focused on:
Minor Hockey (through 50/50 progam)
Educational Programs
Youth Initiatives
Health and Wellness
We will provide support to community organizations in the following ways:
1. Financial contributions generated by The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation fundraising programs and special events, and
2. Through Edmonton Oilers Community Relations’ Outreach Programs:
Player appearances (Scheduled)
Autograph Sessions (Scheduled)
In-kind donations
50/50 game day draws
Open practices
Our Mission Statement
The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation is dedicated to helping
build strong and vibrant communities by contributing its unique
resources and financial support to charitable organizations that
focus on minor hockey, educational initiatives, youth programs and
health and wellness services. Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation Charitable Reg. #: 89072 5542 RR0001
For more information, please contact
Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation
c/o Gillian Andries, Executive Director
11230 - 110 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
T5G 3H7
More Information