The Foundation - Outcomes
The Heritage Community Foundation envisions a desired future in which heritage is relevant and valued and helps to shape present and future generations. The Foundation works to:
- Educate and create awareness of the importance of
heritage to our community and our quality of life
through the development of a range of programs and
- Advance heritage education through the establishment
of scholarship funds and funding of specific educational
endeavors related to the historical, natural, and
cultural heritage
- Inform and stimulate the interest of the community
in the issues facing heritage organizations and
institutions today and in the future
- Promote the use of new information technologies for
broad public engagement in heritage whether for formal
or life-long learning
- Provide an opportunity for all Albertans to become
directly involved in the programs and activities of the
Foundation and its partners and stakeholders
- Help build sustainable resources for the Foundation
and the heritage community through a broad-based fund
development program targeted at government,
corporations, foundations and the general public
- Help build sustainable resources for the Foundation
and the heritage community through creating a culture of
entrepreneurship to diversify the operations resources
of the heritage sector
- Lead in the development of models for heritage
entrepreneurship in keeping with charitable mandates and
public trust responsibilities
- Develop partnerships that promote a range of
heritage awareness and special events activities that
bring heritage to the mainstream and build positive and
sustaining attitudes on the part of all Albertans,
Canadians and users of the World Wide Web
- Foster research into "contested" aspects of our
heritage to increase public understanding and tolerance
- Help develop informed and engaged citizens
- Promote understanding of pluralism and diversity