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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Alex Decoteau Edukit
Teachers Resources
Student Resources
Focus Materials

Welcome to the Alex Decoteau Heritage Edukit
This package contains teaching resource material on Alex Decoteau. It is intended to support student learning about this unique and outstanding Edmontonian - Canada's first police officer of Aboriginal ancestry and an Olympic athlete.

Some aspects of the Alex Decoteau story seem ordinary - reflected in images of him with his family and colleagues, at work, and engaged in leisure and athletic activities. However, the ordinary fits with the extraordinary aspects of his life -- his achievements and dedication both in athletics and in serving his community and country.

Whether regarded as hero, friend, son, brother, soldier, police officer, Olympic athlete or Cree person, Alex Decoteau is enigmatic. His story is a way for students to consider their lives and the way important events and circumstances interact within a community and a person's life.

This resource is intended to solicit comments and ideas for teaching activities. It will be updated frequently.






Heritage Community Foundation

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