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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
4-50 Athabasca Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E8
Phone: 780-492-2972
Fax: 780-492-4967
Email: cius@ualberta.ca

Established on July 1, 1976 to provide institutional support for the development of Ukrainian scholarship and cultural heritage The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) has dedicated itself to the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge about Ukraine and Ukrainians. As such, CIUS is and will continue to be a fundamental resource for Alberta, Canada, the international community and Ukraine.

CIUS is an outgrowth of the Canadian experience. By the mid-1970s, Ukrainians had been here for several generations and were active in Canadian politics, business, and academe, but felt that their heritage was not adequately supported. CIUS was established, in part, to meet this need; to provide the intellectual tools needed for the nurturing of the Ukrainian Canadian heritage. CIUS has accomplished this through

  • The Ukrainian Language Education Centre (ULEC), which has developed and is publishing a comprehensive series of Ukrainian language resources for bilingual schools in Canada

  • The publication of textbooks, an encyclopedia, a journal, and monographs on Ukrainian and Ukrainian Canadian topics

  • The development of a specific program to study Ukrainians in Canada, which, in addition to conducting scholarly research and issuing publications, has reached out to various communities in Alberta and beyond by organizing seminars on Ukrainian ethnography, dance, cooking, and even folk medicine

  • Taking a leadership role in promoting Ukrainian studies in Canada and in bringing them into the Canadian academic main stream. As a result, Ukrainian studies have been more accepted in Canada than elsewhere

  • Facilitating contacts, exchanges, and cooperation between Canada and Ukraine. Since Ukrainian independence, CIUS has become a major resource for the Government of Canada, several provincial governments, and, most recently, Canadian business

Some of the programs currently under development at the Institute include

  • The Ukrainian Canadian Program: The purpose of this program is to conduct and promote scholarly research, solicit manuscripts for publication, and encourage the preservation of archival materials. By working with graduate and undergraduate students, it also helps to train the next generation of scholars in the field

  • Legislative Reform Project: CIUS has embarked upon a $4 million Canada-Ukraine Legislative Education and Cooperation Project to assist Ukrainian legislators and policy makers in promoting democratic political reforms and a market economy

  • The Stasiuk Program: The Stasiuk Program for the Study of Contemporary Ukraine serves as an information center on events in Ukraine for the scholarly community, government, media and the general public. It also houses an archive on twentieth-century Ukraine, undertakes research projects, and sponsors and hosts scholars and lecturers working on contemporary Ukrainian issues

  • The Ukrainian Language Program: The Ukrainian Language Education Centre (ULEC) develops and publishes Nova, an innovative Ukrainian language learning series for bilingual schools. ULEC is also involved in teacher training through Nova inservices, and runs the Ukrainian Language Resource Centre, which houses an extensive collection of Ukrainian language teaching materials (textbooks, story books, reference books, children's magazines, and games, tapes, slides, records and videotapes)

For more information on the Institute and its numerous initiatives please feel free to contact us at the address listed above.

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