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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Heritage Community Foundation

Heritage Community Foundation
#54, Commonwealth Building
9912 - 106 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 1C5
Phone: 780-424-6512
Fax: 780-424-6579

Email: info@heritagecommunityfdn.org

Executive Director: Dr. Adriana A. Davies

The Heritage Community Foundation was set up as a Trust in July 1999, the objects of which are charitable. The Settlor of the Trust is the Alberta Museums Association (trade name Museums Alberta). The Association has provided a leadership gift to establish an endowment as well as grant funding for program development and delivery for a two-year period. The Foundation has Revenue Canada charitable status.

The aims of the Foundation are to advance heritage education and link the province's heritage resources to both the formal and informal educational establishments. Working with a range of public- and private-sector partners, the Foundation develops and implements public education programs as well as building the sources of knowledge to underpin such initiatives through the promotion and funding of research.

The Foundation is a Trust with five Trustees, who are personally responsible for accomplishing the objects of the Foundation.. The Trustees are: Morris Flewweling, President/Chair, Doug Leonard, Vice President/Vice Chair, Tom Willock, Secretary, Diane Darlington, Treasurer, Lori van Rooijen, Trustee. The Foundation does not have a membership and, while initially focusing its activities in Alberta, in the future may undertake activities across the country.

Some of the major initiatives being implemented by the Heritage Community Foundation are:

The Alberta Heritage Online Project, with leadership funding being provided by the Canadian Millennium Partnership Program, has developed the provincial heritage website, Albertaheritage.net, which will be the gateway to the province's rich historic, cultural and natural resources. The site will feature the Alberta portion of the Alberta-Montana Discovery Guide, made fully searchable, as well as historical material (including key heritage events in Alberta's history), youth and education, heritage resources and magazine sections.

The Youth Heritage Program, a community-based research program aimed at high school students is currently being piloted in Edmonton and several rural communities with funding support from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation and the Edmonton Community Lottery Board. Other educational initiatives being explored will increase intellectual and physical access to heritage and promote research pertaining to the preservation, study and interpretation of the province's heritage.

Future initiatives will involve broad public education initiatives that will build support for heritage activities.

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