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Olds in the Twentieth Century

Conducting the Oral History Interview

You can use the following questions as a basis for your interview. These may lead to other follow-up questions.

  • General Questions

      1. Could you please spell out your full name for me?

      2. Where were you born?

      3. When were you born?

      4. Have you always lived here?

      5. What was your occupation before you retired?

  • Questions about a Treasured Object

      1. Could you tell me what is your favourite, most treasured object?

      2. Why is it important to you?

      3. When did you acquire it?

      4. Where did you acquire it?

      5. How did you acquire it?

      6. Do you associate it with someone or some period in your life?

      7. Do you associate with a period in history?

      8. Does this object have a history prior to your ownership of it?

      9. Do you intend to pass it on to someone?

      10. What would you like other people to know about it?

  • Questions about a Memory or Experience

      1. Could you tell me about a memory or experience that is very important to you?

      2. Why is it particularly important?

      3. Do you associate it with someone or some period in your life?

      4. Do you associate with a period in history?

  • After The Interview

      1. Thank the person for giving you the interview.

      2. Remind them as to when you expect to show them your project to read and approve.

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