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Celebrate Canada

Celebrate Canada! Did you know that the official celebrations for the anniversary of Confederation actually begin in the month of June and end with the Canada Day celebrations on 1 July?

Asian Culture in Alberta

In Mandarin Chinese it is wu yuè. In Japanese it is gogatsu. In Vietnamese it is tháng nam, and in Thai it is Pruessaphakom. In English, it is the month of May, but no matter how you say it, the fifth month of the Roman Calendar is Asian Heritage Month in North America.

2006 Doors Open Alberta Events:

From spring to autumn 2006 tourists in communities participating in Doors Open Alberta [ http://www.doorsopenalberta.com/index.html ] will be able to tour inside chosen special Alberta places. The Doors Open Alberta initiative celebrates the people, places and architecture across Alberta. The Doors Open project is a part of an international effort to showcase the built heritage of people and their communities around the world

Christian Heritage in Alberta

For many of Alberta’s Christian communities, Easter marks a time of meditation and reflection on the very core of Christian spiritual and religious belief. For Albertans of all creeds and beliefs, this hallmark on the Christian calendar can be a time to explore the history of Christianity in the Northwest, and to reflect on the enormous impact, both positive and negative, that Christian religion and values have had on the shaping of the Province of Alberta.

Carving Faces, Carving Lives Book CoverCarving Faces, Carving Lives: People of the Boreal Forest  Book Launch at Greenwoods’ Bookshoppe, Edmonton, 16 March

The Heritage Community Foundation will launch its first print publication, Carving Faces, Carving Lives: People of the Boreal Forest, on 16 March at Greenwoods’ Bookshoppe in Edmonton. This remarkable book by author and photographer Terry Garvin promises to be a valuable resource for all who seek greater understanding of traditional Aboriginal life and culture

One World Beat Poster

One World Beat Concert at the Winspear Centre, Edmonton, March 18th

Change for Children is delighted to be celebrating 30 years of achievement in supporting grassroots community initiatives in the developing world and global education programs locally with the ONE WORLD BEAT CONCERT on March 18th, 2006. The concert launches a new partnership between Change for Children and the Heritage Community Foundation, the organization responsible for creating the Alberta Online Encyclopedia (www.albertasource.ca) an Alberta Centennial Legacy project. 

Black Heritage EdukitFebruary is Black History Month

To most Albertans, the month of February is memorable for two things: Valentine’s Day and the Family Day long weekend. Across Canada and the United States, however, February is also recognized as Black History Month, a time of reflection and celebration of Black heritage and culture.