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Additional Resources

Alberta Ballet: 25 Years of Dance Excellence, 1966-1991/92. Alberta Ballet. Edmonton, 1992.

Byfield, Ted. The Atlas of Alberta: a Special Project of Alberta Report, the weekly newsmagazine . Interwest Publications. Edmonton, 1984.

Campbell, Rod. Playing the Field: the Story of the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. B. Evan White Publishing. Edmonton, 1994.

Dreamspeakers Festival: an International Aboriginal, Cultural, Artistic, and Film Festival . Dreamspeakers Festival Souvenir Program Book. Edmonton, 1994.

Edmonton Opera 25 Years Silver Celebration: Remembering 25 Years of Edmonton Opera . Edmonton Opera Association, 1989.

Fraser , Fil. Alberta's Camelot: Culture and the Arts in the Lougheed Years. Lone Pine Publishing. Edmonton, 2003.

Fringe Theatre Adventures and TransAlta present a Fringe Odyssey: August 16-26, 2001: 20 th Annual Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival . Fringe Theatre Adventures. Edmonton, 2001.

Gardner, Beeth. Edmonton's Musical Life: 1892-1930 . Fort Edmonton Park, 1992.

Gertridge, Allison. Meet Canadian Authors & Illustrators : 60 Creators of Children's Books. Scholastic Canada. Toronto, 2002.

Hurtig, Mel. At Twilght in the Country: Memoirs of a Canadian Nationalist . Stoddart. Toronto, 1996.

Hurtig, Mel. Pay the Rent or Feed the Kids: the Tragedy and Disgrace of Poverty in Canada. MacLelland & Stewart. Toronto, 1999.

Jones, Raymond E. Canadian Children's Books : A Critical Guide to Authors and Illustrators. Oxford University Press. Don Mills, 2000.

Kassam, Karim- Alyn and Melnyk, George. Canada and September 11: Impact and Responses . Detselig Enterprises. Calgary, 2002.

Laviolette, Mary-Beth. "The People's Art Collector." Alberta Views. January/February 2001. (19-25)

MacDonald, Jon. Historical Edmonton . Lone Pine Publishing. Edmonton, 1987. p. 95.

Melnyk, George. "Culture and the State in Alberta." The Trojan Horse: Alberta and the Future of Canada. Eds. Trevor Harrison and Gordon Laxer. Black Rose Books. Montreal, 1995. 

Melnyk, George. Literary History of Alberta, Volume One: from writing-on-stone to World War Two . University of Alberta Press. Edmonton, 1999.

Melnyk, George. The Literary History of Alberta, Volume Two: from the end of the war to the end of the century . University of Alberta Press. Edmonton, 1999.

"Monica Hughes: Discovering the Zen of Writing." Confluence: An Alberta Cultural Magazine. Special Issue: Spring, 1986. Nadir Publishing, Edmonton.

Peacock, Thomas. Joseph H. Shoctor Remembered , Theatre Alberta Newsletter, Summer 2001.

Person, Dennis, and Routledge, Carin. Edmonton: Portrait of a City. McClelland and Stewart. Edmonton, 1981. pp. 105-106.

Stuart, Ross E. The History of Prairie Theatre . Simon and Pierre. Toronto, 1984.

Thompson, M.J., The Banff Centre, The Mountain Campus , Altitude Publishing Canada 1993.

Writing Stories, Making Pictures : Biographies of 150 Canadian Children's Authors and Illustrators . Canadian Children's Book Centre. Toronto, 1994.

External Links 

Access Network www.accesstv.ca/
Alberta Ballet www.albertaballet.com
Alberta College of Art and Design www.acad.ab.ca/
Alberta Community Development www.cd.gov.ab.ca/index.asp
Alberta Dance Alliance www.abdancealliance.ab.ca
Alberta Film www.albertafilm.ca
Alberta Foundation for the Arts www.cd.gov.ab.ca/affta/
Alberta History www.albertahistory.org/journal.htm
Alberta Motion Pictures Industries Association www.ampia.org/
Alberta Recording Industries Association www.aria.ab.ca
Alberta Theatre Projects www.atplive.com
Artizans Website www.artizans.com
Athabasca University www.athabascau.ca
Banff Centre www.banffcentre.ca
Brian Paisley's Writing Website www.makeandbelieve.com
Calgary Economic Development www.calgaryeconomicdevelopment.com
Canada Council for the Arts www.canadacouncil.ca
Canada's Digital Collection  http://collections.ic.gc.ca/
Canadian Literature Archive www.umanitoba.ca/canlit/bibliographies/index.shtml
Citadel Theatre www.citadeltheatre.com
CKUA Radio Network www.ckua.org/
C.L. Western Studio and Backlot www.clwesterntown.com
Company's Coming www.companyscoming.com
Decidedly Jazz Danceworks www.decidedlyjazz.com
Dreamspeakers Film Festival www.dreamspeakers.org
Edmonton Opera www.edmontonopera.com
Encyclopedia of Canadian Theatre www.canadiantheatre.com
Fairy Tales International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival www.fairytalesfilmfest.com
Glenbow Museum www.glenbow.org/
Greenwood's Bookshoppe www.greenwoods.com
Herland Feminist Film and Video Festival www.herlandfestival.com
Humber College www.humber.ca
Jubilee Auditoriums (North and South) www.jubileeauditorium.com
Legacy Magazine www.legacymagazine.ab.ca
Legislative Assembly of Alberta www.assembly.ab.ca
Music Alberta www.musicalberta.com
NeWest Press www.newestpress.com/
Old Strathcona Community www.oldstrathcona.ca
On Spec Magazine www.onspec.ca
Richard Mcguire richardmcguire.ca
Shumka Ukrainian Dancers www.shumka.com
Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists www.snapartists.com
Stony Plain Records www.stonyplainrecords.com
Telefilm www.telefilm.gc.ca/
University of Alberta Faculty of Arts www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/arts/
University of Calgary Faculty of Fine Arts www.ffa.ucalgary.ca/
University of Calgary Library, Special Collections, Literary and Art Archives www.ucalgary.ca/library/SpecColl/litarch.htm
University of Calgary Press www.uofcpress.com/
University of Lethbridge Faculty of Arts www.uleth.ca/ffa/index.htm
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies www.whyte.org/index.html
Winspear Centre www.winspearcentre.com
Writers Guild of Alberta www.writersguild.ab.ca
Writers Union of Canada www.writersunion.ca/members.htm

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