A miner's role and responsibilities differed from one location
to another and on the nature of the mining operationwhether it
was a surface or underground mine. However, miners knew
that no matter what the challenges there were from mine to mine,
they had skills that were transferable and could work anywhere
in Western Canada. The workforce was, therefore, very
mobile and, as one mine was exhausted or closed for other
reasons, the miners moved on to the next.
as a coalminer involved a routine that was repetitious but which
was, none-the-less, demanding not only physically but also
because of
safety issues. When the whistle blew to call
miners to their shift, men from the nearby town potentially traveled several miles to get to work.
No matter where a miner worked in Western Canada, many of the
same buildings comprised the mine operation. Some of the
structures found above ground included power-producing
machinery, an area to repair faulty equipment and a place to
process the coal. In the earliest days, a blacksmith shop
was a part of the mine operation not only to deal with equipment repairs
but also to repair harness and other requirements of the pit ponies.
The miner started the day at the wash-house,
the place where he could change into pit clothes and get ready
for the work ahead. From there, he would move to the lamp house
for his lamp, the most important item he would carry into the
mine. Holding his lamp, lunch box, blasting powder,
pick and other supplies brought from home, the miner was ready
to descend to the coalface. In the Crowsnest Pass, early coal
mines usually had two entry shafts. The main entry was a large,
heavily-timbered opening, where men and material moved in and
out of the mine. The second "counter" entry acted as an
emergency exit but mainly was designed for ventilation.
Crisscrossed between the two entries was an
intricate series of airways, haulage tunnels and coal cars. If
the miner was lucky, he could catch an empty coal car to the
area he would be working, but often he would climb to the coal
face by foot, an arduous process even for the fit. Traveling
to his location, the miner potentially passed pumps that removed
water, if the mine was wet, and ventilation fans positioned at
tunnel junctions. Once at the coalface, the miner began to
Coal mining started at the face where men, usually in pairs,
worked rooms in the seam. These men, who dug coal, loaded it
onto mine cars, laid track to the face and shored and bucked the
rooms, were contract miners. They were paid by the amount of
coal dug, graded and weighed, or by the yard. If they drove
tunnel, or set up timber and did other preparatory jobs, they
were paid a set rate for each job. The contract miners were the
elite of the mine labor force. They had to be proficient to earn
a decent living and to protect life and limb.
Men responsible for general maintenance of the mine, driving
the ponies that pulled the cars, bringing the rail and timber to
the contract miners, or cleaning up the grounds, were company or
day men. They earned a daily wage on the basis of hours worked.
They were responsible for inspecting, running and repairing the
huge fans that ran constantly to pull dust and gas out of the
mine and force clean air in. They operated the pumps that kept
some shafts from flooding.
At the surface the coal was weighed, watched over by a check-weighman
elected and paid by the men. The mine car was dumped, cleaned of
bone and passed over a screen. The screened coal, divided into
grades or sizes, was shipped in closed boxcars to markets. Supervisors, or bosses, included the mine manager, overman,
pit-boss, shift-boss, and fire-bosses. Another important figure
was the mine surveyor, who surveyed the larger mine workings
every three months, the smaller mines once a year.
The Crowsnest Pass miner extracted most of his coal by hand
because the steep floors of the "rooms" that followed the
pitching coal seams made it impossible to hold coal-cutting
machinery against the coal face. Lying on his side, the miner
first used his pick to cut a gap three feet into the bottom of
the coal seam. If the weight of the remaining block of coal was
not enough to bring it down, he was then forced to use driven
wedges or explosives.
If explosives were needed, the miner drilled holes into the
coal block with a hand-held auger. He then filled the holes with
powder, positioned the fuses, and lit them. Undercutting the
seam allowed the coal to expand into the groove during the
explosion, producing a safer and, in the end, a more efficient
blast. "Blasting from the solid," or making no cuts to allow for
coal expansion, was both dangerous and illegal because the
charge could backfire into the room to wreak its destruction
When the dust cleared, the men shoveled the loosened coal
into the chute. "Buckers" were employed to push the coal down
the chutes. When it jammed, they tried to dislodge it by
prodding or kicking it. If the jam gave away suddenly, the
bucker could be swept down the chute to his death. By 1918, at
least seven Frank miners had died attempting to clear clogged
Most miners in the Crowsnest Pass worked on contract, under
which they were paid for the coal tonnage they mined. The size
of the miner's pay cheque depended upon his skill. The 1907
Royal Commission inquiring into coal mining in Alberta
discovered that daily wages fluctuated between $2.50 and $12.00.
If there was too much dirt or rock in the coal, money was
subtracted from the miner's earnings. At the same time, he could
earn more if his seam was difficult to mine, or if his work area
was wet. If he drove his own tunnels, erected his own lagging,
placed his own brattice or performed other preparatory work, he
also received additional income.
In many mines, day or "company'" men did all the preparatory
work, receiving between $2.50 and $3.67 per day. "Timbermen" cut
and installed timbers that supported the mine's haulage ways,
airways and shafts, "Tunnellers." who were often skilled hard
rock miners, extended entryways and searched for additional
seams. "Haulage crews" guided the loaded coal cars back to the
surface. "Brattice men" erected the partitions that controlled
ventilation in the mine by separating the intake and return air
passages. Other company men might be responsible for brickwork,
or for maintaining the pipes that supplied the underground
operation with power from compressed air.
Mining was intricate work with each man having a specialized
role and responsibilities. The safety of all was dependent
on the accomplishment of each task and there was little margin
for error. That is why working well together was important
and individuals who worked together frequently socialized
All the jobs in the mine were important, and if one person
slacked, the consequences could affect the safety of all work.
The miner's main responsibility was to remove coal from the seam
and transport material to haulage routes. Safety was the
responsibility of all miners, as each member ensured their work
area was safe by timbering or bratticing.
The fire boss is the underground official who oversaw
safety in one district of a mine. A district contains no
more than 70 men and horses and has its own ventilation system.
Three hours prior to a shift, the fire boss examined gas levels,
tunnels, airways and timbers for proper safety. During the
shift, he twice examined his district for safety and he would
fire the shots of blasting powered as required.
The pit boss is the man in charge of all underground
operations and who directly reported to the mine manager.
He supervised all pit officials, including the fire-boss and coordinated
the mine's development.
The timber packer responsibilities dealt with bringing
in timbers to be used as supports throughout the mine.
Although miners were responsible for building the supports in
rooms and crosscuts, the timber packer was responsible for
everywhere else, including the main and counter entries.
In places in the mine where seams were too flat to allow
gravity to move the coal, the bucker was employed to push
coal down chutes where they could be hauled below.
The spragger were a specialized group that used sprags,
short pieces of wood with points at the end. Spraggers stopped
coal cars by throwing the wood into the spokes of the coal car
wheel to stop the coal car.
Other jobs in the mines included the haulage crew, mechanics
and mine managers.