by James R. Kerr
Many stories have been written about the Lost Lemon Mine,
undoubtedly many more versions were told but not recorded.
For well over a hundred years now it has been the dream of
many to find this legendary spot. Crowsnest Pass and High River
were the two main points from which gold seekers headed for the
mountains with high hopes. Undoubtedly much of our coal was
discovered in the process of prospecting for gold.
Michael Phillipps who is credited with being the first white
man to use the Crowsnest Pass route through the high rock range
in 1873, was hoping to find gold and was disappointed at not
finding any.
Kootenai Brown, who with two companions in 1865, also crossed
the range, but further south, was hoping to reach the North
Saskatchewan River near Edmonton where gold had been discovered.
Brown spent the balance of his life in our proximity, until his
death in 1916. He took many trips through the mountains but
there is not one mention of the Lost Lemon Mine in the story of
his life.
The original company who owned Lille, (French Camp), was
known as British Columbia Gold Fields, Ltd. "Societe anonyme du
Chemin de fer Houiller de Canada." The creek flowing through
their property was known as Gold Creek. They had visions of
finding gold there.
As a boy I remember parties leaving the Pass with pack
animals, carrying tools, gold pans, a supply of staple food and
blankets. They fought flies all summer and more or less lived
off the land. Early snow storms drove them homeno one ever
used the gold poke he carried for the purpose for which it was
Names coming to memory are Matt HollowayFrank ByronTom
ThompsonTom RoachJoe DobekDick Deering. The list goes
on, Gene NelsonJack MordenCarl SapetaVince JanostakTommy KropinakMike Czech to name a few.
It has been done before and no doubt it will be done again.
The flashing of a sample, probably from some distant place and
hinting that it was from close by; or the news that a roughly
drawn map has turned up vaguely indicating a mine site. The
resultanother rush.
Among my possessions is a gold-panning pan, found far back in
the mountains. Was it thrown away in disgust? Was the loss of it
the reason for not finding a bonanza?
In days gone by when people made their own entertainment,
before radio or television, relaxing around a fire, inside or
outside, as the season dictated, a favorite pastime was
storytelling. It was an art now lost. Stories about the Lost
Lemon Mine were high on the list; the object was to outdo the
other fellow. No doubt the original stories were enlarged upon.
As the years went by nothing was lost in the telling.
It may seem harsh to discount our oldest local legend, but it
is my belief that the Lost Lemon Mine is only a legend. It is
also my belief that the search will be revived again and with
renewed vigor.