Home | Resources
The Resources section has been designed to provide site visitors with additional, useful information to enhance their experience and overall enjoyment of the Homefront in Alberta Web site. Among the resources at their disposal are:
- Bibliography
Not only lists all the sources used in the creation of the Homefront in Alberta Web site, but also provides suggestions for further reading.
- Glossary
Provides definitions and detailed information about some of the key terms used throughout the Homefront in Alberta Web site.
- For King and Country
In 1995, in order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Second World War, the Royal Alberta Museum (formerly the Provincial Museum of Alberta) created the travelling exhibit For King and Country: Alberta in the Second World War. The exhibit's curator Maurice Doll and editor Ken Tingley gathered a series of commemorative essays in a complementary publication entitled For King and Country, presented on this Web site in digital format.