Based on their activities, organizations can be grouped
into three sectors: public, private and non-profit. The
terms "non-profit" and "voluntary" sector are often used
interchangeably or in conjunction with each other, because
almost all of them rely on volunteers to achieve their
respective goals. Generally, the voluntary sector includes
self-governing organizations that do not generate profits
for shareholders, are non-governmental, and are formed with
an organizational structure.
Established voluntary organizations often have paid staff or
contractors to run programs, administrate, fund raise, complete
targeted projects, and build the organization’s infrastructure
so they can keep their doors open, but they still need and
benefit from the efforts of volunteers.
Some organizations are simultaneously a non-profit and a
registered charity. Before an organization can become a
registered charity, it must first be a non-profit organization
and then it may apply to become a charity. Thousands of
non-profit organizations exist that are not registered
charities. Registered charities include social service
organizations, places of worship, private and public
foundations, educational institutions such as universities,
hospitals, and a charitable organization that benefit the
community as a whole, such as environmental protection and
protecting cruelty to animals. If using the International
Classification of Non-profit Organizations (INCPO) there are 15
classification categories. For every kind of humanistic
endeavour, there is a non-profit organization that falls into
the INCPO classification.
For an in-depth study of Canada’s non-profit/voluntary
sector, please refer to
Cornerstones of Community: Highlights
of the National Survey of Non-profit and Voluntary
Organizations. This excellent resource "provides the first
national portrait of the many thousands of non-profit and
voluntary organizations that are the cornerstones of Canadian