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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Spirituality and Creation
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Welcome to Elementary Student Zone !!

Hello Kids! Thanks for coming to visit the Spirituality and Creation Stories Edukit! We have put together some really interesting facts and tid bits of information regarding Aboriginal spirituality and creation stories for you. You will be introduced to the concept of oral history and how it was the primary means in which Aboriginal people shared their history, spirituality, and stories of creation with one another. There is a special focus on the Blood and Peigan Nations of southern Alberta that will allow you to discover why family and community is so important in passing down traditional ways. Have you ever wondered what the different designs on tipis mean? Well you will be able to find out and create your own tipi design! Medicine wheels and various forms of rock art are two special ways in which Aboriginal people recorded their own histories. You will be able to see for yourself what medicine wheels, pictographs (drawings on rocks), and petroglyphs (rock carvings) there are right here in Alberta! You will be pleasantly surprised by all this edukit offers! Have fun discovering the Aboriginal peoples in Alberta!

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