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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Spirituality and Creation
teacher zonegrade 1grade 3grade 5grade 7grade 10-12

Welcome to the Teacher Zone !!

Welcome teachers to the Spirituality and Creation Stories Edukit. We have designed this edukit to be informative and yet sensitive and respectful of Aboriginal culture, spirituality, and creation. It is recommended for all lessons that you seek to develop a connection with an Elder or Aboriginal person in your community to aid you in fully understanding Aboriginal spirituality and the proper protocols involved. The lessons however will enable you to introduce general concepts to your students. The lessons focus on the importance of oral history, storytelling, and legends as well as exploring the role of Elders in the Aboriginal community. We have developed an excellent resource base that will allow students to examine alternate ways of recording history such as through rock art and medicine wheels. We have developed a comprehensive Teacher Information section for all lessons as well as an accompanying Teacher Resources section that will allow you to supplement your learning and your students learning on a variety of subjects. Each lesson has been developed to allow students to be full participants in the learning process. We hope you enjoy sharing this valuable and fascinating information with your students!

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