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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Resource Inventory
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Home > Alberta's Resource Inventory

Resource Inventory

PumpjacksWhat is a natural resource? People use that term so often that it could mean many different things to many different people. Actually, "natural resources" are defined as any naturally occurring materials that can be used by man.

Natural resources that you can find in Alberta include hydrocarbons, such as coal, oil and natural gas. Soil and agriculture are also resources, and are the source of some vegetables and grains that you eat everyday. Animals are another natural occurring resource in Alberta, as are underground minerals and the province's vast forests.

Oriented Strand BoardAs you can see, there are many potential resources that could have been chosen to profile on this Web site.  Soil & Agriculture, Hydrocarbons and Forests are the most economically important resources to Alberta, and are the resources on which this site will focus on. 


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Coal Mining: The Miners

George's story is typical of the many coal miners to come to the Crowsnest Pass in 1911...

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Soil and AgricultureHydrocarbonsForests