The Heritage Community Foundation links people with heritage through discovery and learning. Its over-arching goal is for heritage to be valued by everyone. It exists:
- To be a strong public voice for heritage.
- To establish programs to promote identity, research and literacy through heritage study.
- To build resources to sustain heritage projects and activities.
The Heritage Community Foundation:
- Develops educational programs.
- Develops resource materials to bring heritage to the mainstream.
- Creates opportunities to celebrate heritage.
The development of excellent online content is a core programming activity of the Foundation.
Web sites developed and maintained by the Foundation include:
Projects we are currently working on include:
- Alberta Heritage Alphabet
- Methodist Missionaries
- Women of Aspenland Virtual Exhibit
- Albertans: Who Do They Think They Are?
- Great Alberta Law Cases
- Celebrating Alberta's Italian Community
The Project Team:
Project Manager
Dr. Davies is Executive Director of the Heritage Community Foundation, a Charitable Trust with educational objects. She is working to develop a range of heritage educational materials and programs that link the public to its heritage, as well as helping to build sustaining support for heritage. Many of the activities of the foundation are collaborative in nature.
She has worked in the museum field for more than 20 years, in England and Canada, and has done extensive research into material culture. She researched and wrote
one third of a popular encyclopedia of antiques, as well as compiling two volumes of The Dictionary of British Portraiture for the National Portrait Gallery, London. Most recently, as a consultant on the Provincial Museum of Alberta millennium project: Jesus Through the Centuries, she researched, identified and arranged for loans from British collections. The virtual exhibit was sponsored by
the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN), and is currently available on the
Web. She was the Science, Industry, Technology and Material Culture Editor of the Canadian Encyclopedia. She is a frequent guest lecturer and speaker in the area of cultural policy and museum development.
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Provincial Historian, Alberta Community Development
Content development
Michael Payne is currently
Head of the Research and Publications Program for the Historic Sites and Cultural Facilities Branch of Alberta Community Development. He is a graduate of Queen's University, University of Manitoba and Carleton University and
specializes in western Canadian history. His particular research interests are fur trade,
Aboriginal and northern history, along with public history and museum and heritage studies. An Internet enthusiast, he is especially pleased to have had a chance to work on this project, which promises to make Alberta's history more accessible to people around the world.
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Project Manager, Research
Andrea is the head of
content development and research for this project. She has a Bachelor
of Arts in Canadian Studies and a minor in French. When she is not contemplating the
correlation between beer commercials and the Canadian National
Identity, she enjoys watching the CART Racing
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Web Researcher
Brenda is the other
researcher on this project. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English and
has a great interest in the Fine Arts, as well.
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Project Manager, Design
Dulcie Meatheringham, the Heritage Community Foundation's Webmaster, is the design and technical resource person for this project. Dulcie has a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Ecology from the University of Alberta with interests in museological and information technology ventures. Dulcie is also a textile surface designer.
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Web Designer
Shawn Blais is the Web
Designer for this project. He has a Computer Systems Technology
diploma from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Since
graduating he has become a professional Web Designer, working on both
a full-time and contract basis. For more information about Shawn please visit his
homepage at
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Web Technician
As Web Technician, Andrew
is the technical guru for this project. With an educational background
in technology, he brings that expertise and knowledge to this team.
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