- Ernest Watkins. The Golden Province: Political Alberta. Calgary: Sandstone Publishing, 1980.
- Perry R. Dyck. Provincial Politics in Canada. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada, 1991.
- Allan Kornberg et al. Representative Democracy in the Canadian Provinces. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada, 1982.
- David Kilgour. Uneasy Patriots: Western Canadians in Confederation. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishers, 1988.
- David Leadbeater. Essays on the Political Economy of Alberta. Toronto: New Hogtown Press, 1984.
- Harold and Tamara Palmer. Alberta: A New History. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1981.
- John Herd Thompson. Forging the Prairie West. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Allan Tupper and Roger Gibbins. Government and Politics in Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1992.
- Michael S. Whittington and Glen Williams. Canadian Politics in the 1990s. 3 rd edition. Scarborough: Nelson Canada, 1990.
- John McMenemy. Language of Canadian Politics: a guide to important terms and concepts . 3rd. edition. Toronto: J. Wiley, c.1980
Political Parties:
- Douglas R. Babcock. Alexander Cameron Rutherford: A Gentleman of Strathcona. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1989.
- Lewis G. Thomas. The Liberal Party in Alberta: A History of Politics in the Province of Alberta, 1905-1921. London: Oxford University Press, 1959.
- James Fischer. Liberals in Alberta: Studying the Lessons of History. Edmonton: University of Alberta Dept. of Political Science, 1986.
United Farmers of Alberta:
- Ernest Mardon & Austin Mardon. The Followers of Moses: The United Farmers of Alberta, 1921-1935. Edmonton: Shoestring Press, 1994.
- Tom Monto. The United Farmers of Alberta: A Movement, a Government. Edmonton: Crang Publishing, 1989.
Social Credit:
- John A. Irving. The Social Credit Movement in Alberta. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1959.
- John J. Barr. The Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of Social Credit. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1974.
- Ted Byfield. Alberta in the 20 th Century: Aberhart and the Alberta Insurrection. Edmonton: United Western Communications Ltd, 1998.
- David R. Elliot and Iris Miller. Bible Bill: A Biography of William Aberhart. Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1987.
- Crawford B. Macpherson. Democracy in Alberta: Social Credit and the Party System. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962.
- J. R. Mallory. Social Credit in Alberta: Its Background and Development. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.
- Lewis H. Thomas. William Aberhart and Social Credit in Alberta. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1977.
- Alvin Finkel. The Social Credit Phenomenon in Alberta. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1989.
- Bob Hesketh. Major Douglas and Alberta Social Credit. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
Progressive Conservatives:
- An Historical Sketch of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta. Edmonton: Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta, 1987
- Allan Masclove. Budgeting in the Provinces: Leadership and the Premiers. Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 1989.
- David G. Wood. The Lougheed Legacy. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1985.
- Barry Cooper and Mebs Kanji. Governing in Post-Deficit Times: Alberta in the Klein Years. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000.
- Larry Pratt, ed. Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1986.
- Ivan Avakumovic. Socialism in Canada: A Study of the CCF-NDP in Federal and Provincial Politics. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978.
Government Officials:
- D. Blake McDougall et al. Lieutenant Governors of the Northwest Territories and Alberta, 1876-1991. Edmonton: Alberta Legislature Library, 1991.
- D. Blake McDougall. Premiers of the Northwest Territories and Alberta, 1897-1991. Edmonton: Alberta Legislature Library, 1991.
- David Byron. Leaders of the Opposition in Alberta, 1905-1982: A Historical Summary. Edmonton: Alberta Legislature Library, 1983.
- Grant MacEwan. Frederick Haultain, Frontier Statesman of the Canadian Northwest . Western Producer Prairie Books, 1985.
Political Influentials:
- T.C. Byrne. Alberta’s Revolutionary Leaders. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, 1991.
- Tom Monto. Solidarity and Anger: History of the Alberta Labour Movement. Edmonton: Crang Publishers, 1989.
- Warren Caragata. Alberta Labour: A Heritage Untold. Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1979.
- Michael Palamarek. A History of Women and Politics in Alberta, 1900-1988. Canada: s.n., 1989
- Glynis Whiting, dir. The Sterilization of Leilani Muir. Videocassette. Montreal: National Film Board of Canada, 1996.
- Hugh A. Dempsey. The Gentle Persuader: A Biography of James Gladstone, Indian Senator. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1986.
- Indian Association of Alberta. Citizens Plus. Edmonton: s.n., 1970.
- Preston Manning. The New Canada. Toronto: MacMillan Canada, 1992.
Political Issues:
National Energy Program:
- G.C. Watkins and M.A. Walker. Reaction: The National Energy Program. Vancouver: The Fraser Institute, 1981.
- Andrew Nikiforuk, Sheila Pratt, Don Wanagas. Running on Empty: Alberta After the Boom. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1987.
Brownlee Scandal:
- Franklin Foster. John E. Brownlee: A Biography. Lloydminister: Foster Learning Inc, 1996.
- James H. Gray. Talk To My Lawyer. Edmonton; Hurtig Publishers, 1987.
Western Separatism:
- John Barr and Owen Anderson. The Unfinished Revolt: Some Views of Western Independence. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart Ltd, 1971.
- Larry Pratt and Garth Stevenson. Western Separatism: The Myths, Realities, & Dangers. Edmonton: Hurtig Publishers, 1981.
William Hawrelak:
- James Lightbody. "Wild Bill Hawrelak: Let’s Get Edmonton Rolling Again." Your Worship: The Lives of Eight of Canada’s Most Unforgettable Mayors. Ed. Allan Levine. Toronto: James Lorimer & Co, 1989.
- Diane King Stuemer. Hawrelak: The Story. Calgary: Script, 1992.