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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
Elders Voices
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Basque, Garnet, ed. Frontier Days in Alberta. Langley: Sunfire Publications, 1992.

Brizinski, Peggy. Knots in a String. Saskatoon: University Extension Press, 1993.

Brown, Jennifer S.H., and Jacqueline Peterson, eds. The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Métis in North America. Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press, 1985.

Bryan, Liz. "When the West was Young." Albertabound (June 2005): 19-22.

Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. People to People, Nation to Nation: Highlights from the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Ottawa: The Commission, 1996.

Chandler, Graham. The Gathering Place: Creeburn Lake. n.p.: Cree Burn Lake Preservation Society, n.d.

Colorado, Pam. "Bridging Native and Western Science." Convergence 21, no.2/3 (1988): 49-67.

Conrad, Margaret, and Alvin Finkel, and Cornelius Jaenen. History of the Canadian Peoples. Toronto: Longman Group, 1993.

Coutu, Phillip. Castles to Forts: A True History of Edmonton. Edmonton: Thunderwoman Ethnographics, 2004.

Coutu, Phillip, and Lorraine Hoffman-Mercredi. Inkonze: The Stones of Traditional Knowledge. Edmonton: Thunderwoman Ethnographics, 2002.

Cruikshank, Julie. Life Lived Like a Story. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1990.

Freeman, Gordon R., and Phyllis J. Freeman. "Observational Archaeolastronomy at the Majorville Medicine Wheel Complex: Winter and Summer Solstice Sun Rise and Set Alignments Accurate to 0.2°." Pages 220-229 in the Papers Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Archaeological Association. Toronto: Ontario Archeological Society, 2001.

Goyette, Linda, and Caroline Jakeway Roemmich. Edmonton In Our Own Words. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press, 2004.

Gordon, Naomi. "Alberta Aboriginal Veterans: Remembered and Commemorated." Otipemisiwak 2, no.2 (May, 2005): 34.

Hodgins, Ken. The Art of the Nehiyawak. Edmonton: Plains Publications, 1988.

Huck, Barbara, and Doug Whiteway. In Search of Ancient Alberta. Winnipeg: Heartland Associates, 1998.

Iwama, Marilyn. "‘At Dawn, our Bellies Full’: Teaching Tales of Food and Resistance from Residential Schools and Internment Camps in Canada." Journal of Intercultural Studies 21, no. 3 (December 2000): 239-254.

Josephy, Alvin M. America in 1492: The World of the Indian Peoples Before the Arrival of Columbus. New York: Random House, 1992.

Kulchyski, Peter, Don McCaskill, and David Newhouse. In the Words of Elders: Aboriginal Cultures in Transition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

Meili, Dianne. Those Who Know: Profiles of Alberta’s Native Elders. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1991.

Nick, Trudy, and Kenneth Morgan. "Grande Cache: The Historic Development of an Indigenous Alberta Metis Population." In The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Métis in North America, edited by Brown, Jennifer S.H., and Jacqueline Peterson, 163-181. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1985.

Petitot, Emile. Les Literatures Populaires de Toutes Les Nations. Vol. 23. Paris: n.p., 1994.

Plouffe, Vivianne, Kim Kissel, and Sheila Thompson. The Winds of Change: Indian Government. Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1988.

Ray, Arthur J., I Have Lived Here Since the World Began. Toronto: Lester Publishing and Key Porter Books, 1996.

White, Jerry P., Paul Maxim, and Nicholas Spence. Permission to Develop. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing, 2004.


Barnett, D. "Mystery of the Medicine Wheels."
www.usask.ca/education/ideas/tplan/sslp/wheel/medicine.htm. (18 July 2005)

Francis Whiskeyjack. "The Medicine Wheel."
http://www.ammsa.com/buffalospirit/June-2000/medicinewheel.html. (18 July 2005)

Patterson, Tim W., and Martin J. Whittles. "Reclaiming Cities: Canadian Aboriginal Urban Stories in Context."
www.opinion-canada.ca/en/articles/article_43.html. (10 August 2005)












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