Alberta Naturally has been optimized for 640x480
resolution. All efforts have been made to minimize download time and to
provide the widest accessibility - regardless of browser, platform or
internet connection speed.
The audio
clips require the use of the Real Networks RealPlayer, available free
for download from their website: http://www.real.com.

The Natural Regions Flash Zone is a fun way to explore
the Natural Regions through graphics and interaction! Within each
region, click on a species to view text and information on the plant or
animal, and then click on the camera to view a real-life photo! We
recommend the Flash version for the best experience. The Macromedia
Flash 4 or higher plugin is required, and can be downloaded for free
from here.

Naturally makes use of JavaScript, so please turn it on!
If you use a PC
For Netscape users: From the menu select Edit,
then Preferences.
Select the Advanced section and make sure the JavaScript checkbox is
For Internet
Explorer users: From the Tools menu select Internet Options and select
the Security tab. With Internet selected, click the Custom Levels
button. A Security Settings window will open. Scroll to Scripting and
ensure that the "enable" radio button is selected for Active
For Opera
users: Select Preferences from the File menu. In the new window,
select Plug-Ins. Ensure that the "Enable Scripting Languages"
checkbox is selected.
If you use a Macintosh
JavaScript is enabled by default on the Mac for both IE
and Netscape. If it has been turned off, here is how you can re-enable
it in Netscape: Go to the Edit Menu, select Preferences, Then click on
the "Advanced" tab on the left. On the right a column will
appear with checkboxes for enabling/disabling Java, JavaScript, cookies,
and so on. Ensure that the JavaScript checkbox is selected.