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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Culture and its Meaning
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Welcome to Elementary Student Zone !!

Welcome to the Culture and Its Meaning Edukit! This Edukit has been designed to introduce you to the interesting and diverse culture of Aboriginal peoples in Alberta and across Canada. You will learn many exciting things about the importance of oral history to Aboriginal people and the cultural significance of family and friends. The Blood Nation of Alberta is featured along with legends and stories that tell of the history of the Blood and Blackfoot people. You will also have a chance to learn about a Cree community in Alberta. Did you know that the buffalo was one of the most important animals to Plains Aboriginal peoples at the time of early contact? A buffalo fact sheet and some fun activities will allow you to discover all you ever wanted to know or maybe didn't want to know (for instance, raw buffalo tongue was considered a delicacy!) about the buffalo!



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