Welcome to the Junior Student Zone !!
Welcome junior high students to the Culture and Its Meaning Edukit. This Edukit will allow you to discover facts about Aboriginal culture in Alberta and across Canada. Many of the activities will allow you to participate first hand such as researching Aboriginal languages and Aboriginal owned and operated businesses. A mini Cree dictionary will allow you to practice and maybe learn a few words from the Cree language! You will also learn to identify important aspects of Canadian and Aboriginal culture. An introduction to the Métis peoples influence upon exploration and settlement in Canada during the fur trade era will provide you with an interesting glimpse into history. A study of Aboriginal beliefs and values will enable you to recognize that not all cultures have the same belief and value structures and that culture plays a very big role in this. Have you ever wondered what effects the contact era, the reserve system, and the Federal Government have had upon Aboriginal people? Well wonder no more, because this Edukit will provide you with many answers and some really interesting facts along the path to discovery!
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