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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Culture and its Meaning
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Welcome to the Senior Student Zone !!

The Culture and Its Meaning Edukit was designed to allow you to examine Aboriginal culture from a historical and contemporary perspective. It is important to recognize that many factors have influenced and affected Aboriginal culture in both positive and negative ways. The concepts of sovereignty and self-determination are two that you will be able to explore from an Aboriginal perspective. You will also be able to compare and contrast European values to those of Aboriginal Canadians. You will be able to recognize important influences stemming from Europe during the fur trade era that affected the lives and culture of Aboriginal peoples. A study of the five treaties signed in Alberta will provide you with a rich background into the modern day issues Aboriginal peoples are involved in. A study of World War II from the perspectives of Aboriginal Canadians will allow you to understand, appreciate, and recognize the contributions of Aboriginal men and women to the war effort.


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