Welcome to the Teacher Zone !!
Welcome teachers to the Culture and Its Meaning Edukit. The Teachers Zone has been designed to provide you with a variety of Aboriginal and Métis inspired lesson plans to supplement the current Social Studies Curriculum as well as the Aboriginal Studies 10, 20, 30 Curriculum. The lessons contain learning objectives that meet the generalizations laid forth within the curriculum.
The Teacher Zone section includes a teacher information background section to aid you in understanding the culture and history of Aboriginal people in Alberta. Supplementary lessons have been created to allow you to turn the main lesson into a mini unit on Aboriginal culture or they can be used individually as your classroom teaching schedule permits. All of the lessons have been designed to allow students to be active participants in the learning process and to utilize the information and resources provided within the Culture and Its Meaning Edukit. The Teacher Resources section is a valuable tool in enabling you to search for additional materials to supplement the lessons for your own learning or that of your students.