History for your ears, eyes and mind!
The Heritage Community Foundation is proud to provide a dynamic new platform to help make Alberta's history come alive for everyone! Explore aspects of Alberta's early history through images, text and CKUA Radio Network's Heritage Trails. We hope that your experience fosters new understanding of the Alberta that was, a new appreciation for the Alberta that is, and optimism for the Alberta that will be.
Please join us here, in Phase One, as we discover Alberta's Early History by selecting the theme you'd like to explore: Contact Us, First Nations and Métis, or Fur Trade and Mission History.
All of the Phases of this wonderful heritage resource have been completed. Fellow the below links to continue to learn Alberta's history, people and land.
- Phase 2: Home, Home on the Plains
- Phase 3: Alberta, Naturally
- Phase 4: Alberta's Political History
- Phase 5: Alberta's Natural Resources
- Phase 6: Famous 5
- Phase 7: Albertan's: Who Do They Think They Are?
In each section, you can click the "read" icon to read the transcripts, and the "listen" icon to hear the Heritage Trails in RealAudio.
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