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Small before 1898, the mine
labour force soon assumed the substantial size and character
that it would maintain until the 1950s. Composed almost entirely
of immigrants before the 1920s, the workforce consisted of a
heterogeneous group of people of British and continental
European origin. This fact discouraged social cohesion, but,
over time, as an increasing percentage of miners established
families and sank roots into the soil of the
mining towns,
common attitudes emerged in relation to the workplace and the
position of capital. The cultural background of some miners
encouraged a sense of independence and predisposed some to take
up radical positions in relation to
entrepreneurs and capitalism
The workforce expanded quickly
in the first decade of the 20th century. By 1910, when reliable
statistics first became available, almost 9,000 persons were
employed. Afterwards, the numbers fluctuated between 8,000 and
14,000 until the 1950s, when employment declined.
These persons were involved in varied tasks below and above
ground. About half were skilled miners, who were aided
underground by workers bringing timbers to the rooms, engaged in
haulage, and other activities. Above ground, large groups of labourers were involved in cleaning and sorting the coal, and in
transportation, while machinists, blacksmiths, and carpenters
saw to the maintenance of the works.1
After the opening of the
Crowsnest Pass in 1898, this workforce was divided between the
mountains and the plains coalfields. The mountains usually
employed more persons than the plains until the First World War. While the Crowsnest Pass continued to be the largest
single employer, employment grew in the plains mines and, after
1920, was consistently larger than in the mountainous fields.
However, the domestic coal sector was a highly seasonal
employer, hiring substantial numbers of workers in the winter,
only to lay most of them off during the slow summer seasons.2
This was a distinctly
heterogeneous and mobile population. Unlike Nova Scotia, which
drew on a large existing rural population for its coal miners,
there were no established communities in the vicinity of the
coalfields of Alberta and southeastern British Columbia before
the advent of coal mining, except in the case of
Instead, the mines relied on recent migrants from Europe,
eastern Canada, and the United States. In 1911, 9 out of 10 men
in the mines were immigrants. The proportion gradually fell
afterwards, as immigration subsided. The largest single ethnic
group were the British, but they were outnumbered by persons
from many backgrounds in continental Europe, the greatest
proportion of whom were from central and eastern Europe. Many of
these miners were in transit, moving from mine to mine. This
trend was particularly noticeable during the early years of
mining in each location, when a high proportion of workers were
single males. Some miners never intended to stay in the mines,
or even in Canada, hoping to make enough money to establish
their families in homes elsewhere in Canada or in their original
These characteristics weakened
the solidarity and unity of the mining towns. The Western
communities never achieved the level of cohesion attained by the
towns in Nova Scotia, where a majority of the population could
often draw on a common tradition of British background and
provincial rural roots.4 Instead, Western towns were
initially fragmented, dominated by a variety of ethnic and
social affiliations. The situation began to change as miners
became permanent residents, established families, acquired
property, and started to recognize common interests and
problems. The unions played a decisive role in encouraging a
shared social outlook. By the 1920s, according to labour
historian Allen Seager, a second generation of miners had left
behind the particularism of their parents, and were engaged in
forming a unified mining culture.5
This emerging culture was
influenced by the radical tendencies of certain miners. Some
workers had imbibed concepts of class warfare and socialism in
Europe. Others had been politicized by their experience of being
at the bottom of the social ladder in North America. According
to Allen Seager, the members of several ethnic groups seemed
predisposed to radicalism. Among the Europeans, the Slavs took
an aggressively radical point of view, especially after many of
their number were placed in Canadian internment camps during
World War One. Though small in numbers, the Finns were also
influential, particularly in encouraging the participation of
women in political affairs. The Hungarians, Czechs, and Slovaks
also played militant roles in union affairs. All these groups
helped to shape an emerging worker consciousness that challenged
the hegemony of capital in the coalfields.6
William N. T. Wylie, "Coal-Mining Landscapes:
Commemorating Coal Mining in Alberta and Southeastern British
Columbia," a report prepared for the Historic Sites and
Monuments Board of Canada, Parks Canada Agency, 2001.
See Also: The Coal
IndustryOverview, Rapid Expansion,
Domestic and Steam Coalfields,
1914-1947: The Struggling Industry,
Collapse and Rebirth,
Settlement of the West,
Issues and ChallengesOverview,
Entrepreneurship, Technology,
Underground Techniques,
Surface Technology,
Surface Mining, Social Impacts,
1882-1913: Unionization and Early Gains,
1914-1920: Revolutionary Movement,
1921-1950s: Labour Unrest and
Setbacks, Mining Companies, People of
the Coal Mines,
The Middle Class,
Miners and Local
Politics and Economics ,
Environmental Impacts,
Health and SafetyOverview
The State and
Labour Relations,
The State and
Development after 1918