hide You are viewing an archived web page collected at the request of University of Alberta using Archive-It. This page was captured on 16:06:01 Dec 08, 2010, and is part of the HCF Alberta Online Encyclopedia collection. The information on this web page may be out of date. See All versions of this archived page. Loading media information

Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Alberta In The Early Days Logo
Alberta: How the West was Young

Partners - Credits

The Heritage Community Foundation, project developer and site manager, would like to thank the following institutions for the use of their material, time, guidance, support and additional resources. They were instrumental in the success of this project.

Thanks also to the following people and institutions for permission to use their copyrighted materials to enhance the site:

Most of the photography you see on this website was done by Kim Palmer, the Web Content Manager for the Heritage Community Foundation and Co Project Manager for the Alberta How the West was Young Digitization Project. Thank-you Kim!

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            For more on the Aboriginal history of Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.