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The period of compromise ended
during the First World War, when a growing gap appeared between
workers' expectations and conditions. Miners became increasingly
militant and radical, and the federal government became steadily
more involved in the industry's labour relations.
The war heightened labour's
demands for improvements. As the war-time market for coal
expanded, a shortage of mine labour emerged, and the bargaining
position of miners improved. At the same time, their economic
circumstances were deteriorating. They had always struggled with
a low standard of living. During the war, their problems
intensified as prices rose faster than wages. The situation
caused them to break with the UMWA, which was committed to
maintaining coal production and avoiding strikes in both Canada
and the United States during the war. Western coal miners walked
off the job several times in 1916 and 1917. Arguing that coal
was of strategic importance, the federal government intervened
to negotiate settlements with the owners, resulting in
unprecedented wage hikes, and other concessions. By 1920, the
region's coal miners had obtained the highest rate of wages they
would achieve until 1945, and boasted the best pay levels of any
miners in Canada.
In spite of concessions, miners
became increasingly radical. By the end of the war, they were
advocating, not just better rates of remuneration and improved
working conditions, but a fundamental change in the established
social order that would include nationalization of the coal
industry, and workers' control of the means of production and
the political system. Some miners had come to the coalfields
with these ideas. By 1908, the Socialist Party of Canada, which
favoured electoral means to achieve socialism in Canada, had
begun receiving strong support in the Crowsnest Pass area. Many
miners, however, were not originally in favour of
nationalization or workers' control. They were pushed to these
positions by frustration with the lack of opportunity in
isolated mining towns, and swayed by the prevailing atmosphere
in the international labour movement. Since 1900, revolutionary
industrial unionism had been growing in Europe and America,
typified by the massing of workers in large unions, and demands
for the destruction of the capitalist system. By 1919, the
situation seemed to be reaching a climax. The events of the
previous two years included the Bolshevik takeover in Russia,
the replacement of the Kaiser with a republican social
democratic government in Germany, and the emergence in the
United States of the Industrial Workers of the World, a
syndicalist union dedicated to bringing workers to power through
the mechanism of the strike.2
Convinced they were on the brink
of great change, Western Canada's workers moved towards
endorsing a revolutionary strategy. At the Western Canadian
Labour Conference, in March 1919, delegates favoured breaking
away from the established unions and setting up a
Marxist-oriented all-inclusive organization, known as the One
Big Union (OBU). Founded in June 1919, the OBU organized workers
by locality, regardless of industry, and thus cut across
traditional union lines. While it commanded little support east
of the Lakehead, it expanded rapidly in the West. Coal miners
were attracted to it because of their disillusionment with the
UMWA, and their interest in a militant Canadian organization. In
an unofficial referendum held by UMWA members, over 90 percent,
of those voting, supported the OBU. The new union sought the
overthrow of the existing social order and its replacement with
one based principally on workers' rights.3
The OBU was formed in an
atmosphere of deepening social crisis. In May 1919, the Winnipeg
General Strike began, symbolizing for many Canadians the
ultimate confrontation between workers, on the one hand, and
capitalists and the established state, on the other. Sympathy
strikes broke out across Canada, and coal miners in Alberta and
the Crowsnest Pass area of British Columbia walked out. The UMWA
international leadership, headed by John L. Lewis, reacted by
revoking the charter of District 18, and placing the
disintegrating Western Canadian branch under the control of
three appointed American labour leaders. The work stoppage,
which led to violence in the Drumheller Valley, ended soon after
the defeat of the Winnipeg General Strike in June.4
The One Big Union was eventually
broken by the federal government, working together with the
companies and the international union. Eager for a popular
election issue, the Union government launched an attack on
Bolshevism and labour radicalism. Then, the Director of Coal
Operations, appointed by the government to oversee the industry
during the war, ordered coal operators not to take back miners
unless they renounced the OBU. By this time, the companies were
willing to work with the moderate UMWA in order in order to
discourage radicalism. Gideon Robertson, the federal Minister of
Labour, who had strong ties with the conservative part of the
labour movement, negotiated an agreement between the Coal
Operators' Association and the UMWA, which gave the latter a
"closed shop" in the industry. The miners had to take out cards
in the IJMWA and pay dues if they wished to work. Ironically,
the international union achieved total control of the workforce
just when it lost the confidence of the miners. By these methods
and further wage increases, the federal government almost
completely crushed the OBU in the Western coalfields by the end
of 1920.5
William N.T. Wylie, "Coal-Mining Landscapes: Commemorating
Coal Mining in Alberta and Southeastern British Columbia," a
report prepared for the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of
Canada, Parks Canada Agency, 2001.
See Also: The Coal
IndustryOverview, Rapid Expansion,
Domestic and Steam Coalfields,
1914-1947: The Struggling Industry,
Collapse and Rebirth,
Settlement of the West,
Issues and ChallengesOverview,
Entrepreneurship, Technology,
Underground Techniques,
Surface Technology,
Surface Mining,
Social Impacts,
1882-1913: Unionization and Early Gains, 1914-1920: Revolutionary Movement,
1921-1950s: Labour Unrest and
Setbacks, Mining Companies, People of
the Coal Mines,
The Middle Class,
Miners and Local
Politics and Economics ,
Environmental Impacts,
Health and SafetyOverview,
The State and
Labour Relations,
The State and
Development after 1918