Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Create an Invention/Innovation Lesson

Teacher Resource Link (Innovation)

This lesson is the second of three lessons dealing with Inventors, Inventions, and Patents. In order for this lesson to make sense, it is recommended that students first complete the Create an Inventor Alter Ego Lesson.

Introductory Activity

Cold Draft Stop

Start by discussing the concepts of Invention and Innovation, stressing the difference between the two. Ask students to provide examples of true inventions, original ideas. This may be difficult for some students because most of today’s inventions are really innovations. Now ask students to provide examples of innovations.

Ask students to go back to the Inventor Profiles located in the Student Textual Resources section. They are to go through the profiles and note which inventions were original ideas, and which were innovations.

Main Activity

Students should revisit their Inventor Alter Ego worksheet from the previous lesson. Explain to students that their task is to create the invention or innovation that their Alter Ego is famous for having designed.

They should be as creative as possible, and their inventions/innovations do not have to be serious in nature or able to be built and function in reality. The goal here is to use the imagination, to be creative, and to have fun doing it.

Brainstorm a list of silly inventions/innovations to get things rolling, and then instruct students to either choose one from the list, or create one of their own. Once students have chosen their invention/innovation, they are to create a mock up/picture of it.

Text and examples of mock up drawings can be found here and also by searching the Patent Database.

For the rough mock-up, students can use blank paper. Make your way around the classroom to look at the inventions, ask questions, and try to get students to elaborate on their invention and its functions, as well as how it functions. Once you’ve approved the rough mock up, ask students to use the Invention Mock Up Worksheet provided in the Student Textual Resources section. They will use the worksheet to draw and colour their professional mock up, and it is to be kept with their Inventor Alter Ego Bio Worksheet for the next lesson.

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            For more on innovation and invention in Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.

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