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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia

Relevant Resources


Beeby, Alan and Anne-Maria Brennan. First Ecology. London: Chapman & Hall, 1997.

Bormann, F. Herbert and Stephen R. Kellert, Eds. Ecology, Economics, Ethics. The Broken Circle. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1991.

Brown, J.J. Ideas in Exile: A History of Canadian Invention. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart [c1967].

Carboni, Rudolph. Planning and Managing Industry - University Research Collaborations. London: Quorum Books, 1992.

Cole, Catherine C., Ed. Inventive Spirit: Alberta Patents from 1905-1975. Red Deer: Red Deer and District Museum: 1999.

Doern, G.B. The National Research Council in the Innovation Policy Era. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.

Henderson, Gordon F., et al. Patent Law of Canada. Scarborough, ON: Carswell, 1994.

Jewkes, John, David Sawyer & Richard Stillerman. The Sources of Invention. New York: W. W. Norton, [c1969].

Kivenson, Gilbert. The Art and Science of Inventing. New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1982.

Magnus, David, Arthur Caplan & Glenn. McGee, Eds. Who Owns Life? New York: Prometheus Books, 2002.

Mayer, Roy. Inventing Canada: One Hundred Years of Innovation. Vancouver:  Raincoast Books, 1997.

Mayer, Roy. Scientific Canadian: invention and innovation from Canada's National Research Council. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 1999.

Middendorf, William H. What Every Engineer Should Know About Inventing. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1981.

Niosi, Jorge. Canada's National System of Innovation. Montreal: McGill UP, 2000.

Rogers et al. Research and Development in Canada. Ed. Bereskin. Toronto: Butterworks, 1987.

Patent Portraits; A Celebration of Inventions and Patents from the University of Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta, 1996

Ruse, Michae & Aryne Sheppard, Eds. Cloning. Responsible Science or Technomadness? New York: Prometheus Books, 2001.

Schumpeter, Joseph A. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1942.

Stanely, Autumn. Mothers and Daughters of Invention : Notes for a Revised History of Technology. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1995.

Building The Future: 1st Annual Innovation Report. (Ottawa: The Conference Board of Canada, 1999). pp. 22-23.


MacEwan, Grant. Charles Noble: Guardian of the Soil. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1983.

Nanton District and Historical Society. Mosquito Creek Round-up: Nanton-Parkland. Nanton: Nanton District and Historical Society, 1975.

Nobleford, Monarch History Book Club, Ed. Sons of Wind and Soil. Nobleford: Nobleford, Monarch History Book Club, 1976.

Wetherell, Donald and Elise Corbet. Breaking New Ground: a Century of Farm Equipment Manufacturing on the Canadian Prairies. Sakatoon: Fifth House Ltd., 1993.

Health and Wellness

Groopman, Jerome. "The Edmonton Protocol (Type 1 diabetes)". The New Yorker: Feb. 10, 2003, v78 i46 p048

Kordella, Terri. "The Edmonton Protocol: The Future of Islet Transplantation." Diabetes Forecast: February 2003, p. 50-62

Lemieux, Raymond U. Explorations with Sugars: How Sweet It Was. Profiles, Pathways, and Dreams: Autobiographies of Eminent Chemists, Series Editor Jeffery I. Seeman. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1990.

Ogle, Andy. "U of A Therapy Goes Global: Diabetes Treatment Has Some Success in U.S., Europe." Edmonton Journal: June 3, 2003. pg. B.1.

Ogle, Andy. "Chemist Leads Carbohydrate Revolution." (July 16, 1985), Edmonton Journal. "City Scientist, firm are transplant giants." (Sept 14, 1991), Edmonton Journal

Ruttan, Susan. "U of A hits Another Diabetes Milestone." Edmonton Journal: Jul 24, 2004. pg B.1.

Home and Lifestyle

Antonelli, Marylu and Jack Forbes. Pottery in Alberta: The Long Tradition. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1978.

Bannerman, Norma. What's Past is Prologue: A History of Home Economics in Alberta. Calgary: Alberta Home Economics Association, 1981.

Hayward, Anne. The Alberta Pottery Industry, 1912-1990: A Social and Economic History. Mercury Series History Division, Paper 50. Hull, QUE: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2001.

Major, Alice. Families, Farms & Home Economists, 1943 to 1993 : Fifty Years of Partnership. Two Hills, Ab: Alberta Home Economics Association, Historical and Educational Society, 1993.

Mining and Mineralogy

Bolton, G.L., N. Zubryckyj, and H. Veltman, Pressure Leaching Process For Complex Zinc-Lead Concentrates. Paper presented at the 13th International Mineral Processing Congress, Warsaw, Poland, June 4-9, 1979.

Bolton, G.L., William D. Vardill, Jud Kinisky. Forty Years of Licensing Sherritt Metallurgical Technologies. Paper presented to 1998 LES Spring Meeting, Vancouer B.C., April 16-18, 1998.

Forward, F.A. and H. Veltman "Direct Leaching Zinc-Sulfide Concentrates". In Journal of Metals, December, 1959.

Kerfoot, D.G.E. "The Development of the Sherritt ammonia pressure leach process". In CIM Bulletin. Montreal: Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, June, 1989.

Oil and Gas

Camp, Frederick W. The Tar Sands of Alberta, Canada. Denver: Cameron Engineers, 1976.

Ells, Sidney C. Bituminous Sands of Northern Alberta. Ottawa, F.A. Acland, 1924.

Gray, Earle. The Great Canadian Oil Patch. Toronto: Maclean-Hunter, 1970.

Hills, L.V. Oil Sands Fuel of the Future. Calgary: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, 1974.

Out of the Ordinary

Kroeker, Wally. "Cleaning Up." [Electronic Version]. The Marketplace, September-October 2001. Retrieved July 15th, 2003 from MEDA : The Marketplace 2001 Archives

Mayer, Rob. Scientific Canadian: Invention and Innovation from Canada's National Research Council. Vancouver: Raincoast Books, 1999.

New Fossil Data Recovery Method Seen as Important Breakthrough. ANU Reporter. Vol. 14, No. 20, December 9, 1983.

Page, Shelly. "Canada's new vision of space" (Oct. 18, 1992). Calgary Herald, B7

Philipp, Cameron Kelly. The Importance of Infrastructure Development in Wilderness Locations. [Electronic Version]. Paper presented at the Western Black Bear Conference, Coos Bay, Oregon, USA. May 4, 2000. Retrieved from http://www.haulall.com

"The Bloody Caesar - A Canadian Tradition," (June 26, 2003). Canada NewsWire.

Sports and Recreation

Finlayson, David. "Professor takes step in right direction: Shoe sensors could revolutionize computer animation, help stroke victims" (Jul 30, 2002). Edmonton Journal, pp. D.3.

Ogle, Andy. "Making a dream come true: A Marathon for Inventors" (June 4, 2000). Edmonton Journal, pp. E.11.

Williams, Ian. "Curling's always been in their lifeblood" (Dec 27, 1980). Edmonton Journal.

External Links

About Science Outreach - Athabasca http://scienceoutreach.ab.ca/
Alberta Agricultural Research Institute http://www.aari.ab.ca/
Alberta Aviation Museum & Learning Centre http://www.albertaaviationmuseum.com
Alberta Cancer Board http://www.cancerboard.ab.ca/
Alberta Chamber of Resources http://www.acr-alberta.com/
Alberta E-Business Leadership Awards http://www.albertaawards.com/
Alberta Emerald Foundation http://www.emeraldawards.com/
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research http://www.ahfmr.ab.ca/
Alberta Ingenuity http://www.albertaingenuity.ca/
Alberta Research Council http://www.arc.ab.ca/
Alberta Science and Research Authority http://www.asra.gov.ab.ca/
Alberta Source http://www.albertasource.ca/
Alberta Supernet http://www.albertasupernet.ca/
Alberta Women's Enterprise Initiative Association http://www.awebusiness.com/
ASET http://www.aset.ab.ca/
BioMS Medical Corp. http://www.biomsmedical.com/
BW Technologies http://www.bwtechnologies.com/
Calgary Science http://www.calgaryscience.ca/
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) http://www.innovation.ca/
Canada's Digital Collection http://collections.ic.gc.ca/
Canada's Digital Collection http://collections.ic.gc.ca/
Canada's Innovation Strategy http://www.innovationstrategy.gc.ca/
Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance http://www.cata.ca/
Canadian Agri-Food Council http://www.carc-crac.ca/
Canadian Institute of Mining http://www.cim.org/
Canadian Institutes of Health Research http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/
Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) http://www.cipo.gc.ca/
CAPP http://www.capp.ca/
Cell-Loc Inc. http://www.cell-loc.com/
Chinook Multimedia http://www.chinookmultimedia.com/
CKUA Radio Network http://www.ckua.org/
Community Development Home http://www.cd.gov.ab.ca
Conference Board of Canada http://www.conferenceboard.ca/
Department of Justice Canada http://laws.justice.gc.ca
Discover E http://discovere.ualberta.ca/
Dynastream Innovations Inc. http://www.dynastream.com
Earth & Sky http://www.earthsky.org/
Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation http://www.manningawards.ca/
Foremost Industries Inc. http://www.foremost.ca/
Fort McMurray Historical Society http://www.fortmcmurrayhistory.com/
Fort Saskatchewan Museum http://www.fortsask.ca/
Genome Prairie http://www.genomeprairie.ca/
Glenbow Museum http://www.glenbow.org/
Government of Edmonton http://www.gov.edmonton.ab.ca/
Growing Alberta http://www.growingalberta.com/
Haul-All Equipment http://www.haulall.com/
Heritage Community Foundation http://www.heritagecommunityfdn.org/
iCORE http://www.icore.ca/
Industry Canada http://www.ic.gc.ca/
Inno-centre Alberta http://www.innocentrealberta.com/
Inventive Women http://www.inventivewomen.com/
Isotechnika Inc. http://www.isotechnika.com/
Landview Systems http://www.landview.com/
Legacy http://www.legacymagazine.ab.ca/
Let's Talk Science http://www.letstalkscience.uwo.ca/
Medalta http://www.medalta.org/
NASA http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/
National Research Council http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/
Nobel Prize http://www.nobel.se/
Odyssium http://www.odyssium.com/
Olds College http://www.oldscollege.ab.ca/
Olson Curling http://www.olsoncurling.com/
Oncolytics' Technologies http://www.oncolyticsbiotech.com/
Red Deer and District Museum http://www.museum.red-deer.ab.ca/
Research Services Office http://www.rso.ualberta.ca/
Safety Boss Inc. http://www.safetyboss.net/
SagaTech Electronics Inc. http://www.sagatech.ca/
SemBioSys Genetics Inc. http://www.sembiosys.ca/
Sir Alexander Galt Museum http://www.galtmuseum.com
Smart Technologies Inc. http://www.smarttech.com/
Strategis http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/
Syncrude Canada Ltd. http://www.syncrude.com/
The Amazing Canadarm2 http://science.msfc.nasa.gov
The Business Link http://www.cbsc.org
University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine http://www.med.ualberta.ca
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine http://www.med.ucalgary.ca
Welcome to the Oil Sands Discovery Centre http://oilsandsdiscovery.com/
Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology http://www.chem.ualberta.ca/~wisest/

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