By William N. T. Wylie

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Strip mining gradually emerged
as an alternative to underground excavation techniques during
the period in question. While a few surface operations were
visible prior to World War One, it was only after 1945 that
improvements in earth-moving machinery made this approach
practicable in most areas. Surface mining eventually transformed
coal mining, permitting much greater quantities of coal to be
extracted, while reducing the costs associated with maintaining
a large workforce.
The early attraction of surface
techniques was the opportunity to remove coal without
constructing the complex myriad of subterranean passages and
rooms typical of underground mining. The potential, however, was
limited by the high cost of labour involved in removing the top
layers of soil and exposing the coal seam to the surface.
Mechanization was not sufficiently advanced to reduce this
expense, though self-propelled shovels and steam draglines were
in place at Tofield, east of Edmonton, before 1914, and at a few
other sites in the 1920s and 1930s. For the most part, surface
operations were limited to areas where the coal seams were close
to the surface and the overburden could be easily removed. Strip
mining was undertaken in some plains locations, and in the Coal
Branch prior to 1945.1
The expansion of surface
excavations ultimately depended on the development of large labour-saving machines capable of removing vast quantities of
coal. By the 1940s, much larger shovels and draglines were
available, along with bulldozers for ploughing and giant trucks
to carry the coal away. Much of this equipment was now powered
by internal combustion engines or electricity rather than steam.
With these developments, surface mining began to supplant the
more costly and labour-intensive underground operations. After
1935, many of the new mines used stripping methods. As the
industry declined after World War Two, only the surface
operations were able to remain competitive, and when the
industry expanded again at the end of the 1960s, it depended on
these methods almost exclusively. Major mines emerged at
Sheerness east of Drumheller, at Forestburg northeast of Red
Deer, at Wabamun, and in the Coal Branch area at Gregg River,
Cardinal River, and Coal Valley. Modern methods sought to do as
little damage as possible to the physical environment, replacing
and replanting the topsoil after the coal was removed. Under the
environmental legislation of 1972 in Alberta, the coal companies
were permitted to remove mountains, as long as they left an
environment which was still as conducive as possible to animal
and plant life.2
Until the 1950s, however,
underground mining predominated. The technology associated with
this approach was not only costly, but required large numbers of
miners to work in situations that were frequently arduous and
even dangerous. These workers in turn drew on a tradition of
mining culture and pride developed over several centuries in
Europe and America. It is to their contribution, and
particularly to their confrontations with management, that we
now turn.
William N.T. Wylie, "Coal-Mining Landscapes:
Commemorating Coal Mining in Alberta and Southeastern British
Columbia," a report prepared for the Historic Sites and
Monuments Board of Canada, Parks Canada Agency, 2001.
See Also: The Coal
IndustryOverview, Rapid Expansion,
Domestic and Steam Coalfields,
1914-1947: The Struggling Industry,
Collapse and Rebirth,
Settlement of the West,
Issues and ChallengesOverview,
Entrepreneurship, Technology,
Underground Techniques,
Surface Technology,
Surface Mining,
Social Impacts,
1882-1913: Unionization and Early Gains,
1914-1920: Revolutionary Movement,
1921-1950s: Labour Unrest and
Setbacks, Mining Companies, People of
the Coal Mines,
The Middle Class,
Miners and Local
Politics and Economics ,
Environmental Impacts,
Health and SafetyOverview,
The State and
Labour Relations,
The State and
Development after 1918.