Search By: Text Page 1 - 10 of 98 records for Christianity

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1. Chief Maskepetoon
In his later years, Chief would be known as a strong advocate of Christianity. Maskepetoon's band of Plains Cree travelled a wide area that stretched from central...
2. The Coppermine Case - Setting
In fact, at turn of 20th century, site where murders occurred—the Coronation Gulf area—was recorded as uninhabited on many Canadian maps. 1 The Missionary Presence Rouvière Le...
3. John Niddrie's Religious Experience
Shortly after his conversion, Niddrie delivered his first sermon, which was a notable success. Joyfully realizing that he had found his calling, he diligently spent a year preparing for examination to...
4. Student Zone - Grade 4
Marie around 1774 travelled to Red River 1812. Peguis had a good relationship with European settlers at Red River. After Battle of Seven Oakes he offered to aid settlers, a gesture virtually unheard...
5. Nature's Law - Traditions - Meanings of Sacred Pipe
6. Methodist Missionaries
. . — Hymns, Charles Wesley, 1762 The Evangelical Impulse Missionaries are easier to understand than we often imagine. Today's world full of women, men children with an evangelical impulse. You...
7. The Coppermine Case - The Missionary Presence
Included these interactions were Catholic Protestant missionaries. Initially, Catholic Protestant missionary presence the Canadian Northwest developed largely to sustain scattered handful of English-...
8. Robert Terrill Rundle's Religious Experience
Despite this strong Methodist influence, Robert Rundle Sr. maintained his family's attachment to Church of England. As a young man Robert Jr. was attracted to social compassion of Methodists entered...
9. reform Movements - The Women of Aspenland
These complaints were most vocal periods where low commodity prices met with depressed real estate values. The cooperative organizations that matured later reform movements associated with United...
10. Nature's Law - Spiritual Life

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