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Virtual Museum of Canada The Making of Treaty #8 in Canada's Northwest
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The Making of Treaty 8 in Canada's Northwest

The Honourable David Laird explaining the terms of Treaty #8, Fort Vermilion, Alberta. 1899.

The Making of Treaty #8 in Canada's Northwest, a Virtual Museum of Canada exhibit, commemorates a historic event of enormous importance to Alberta's northern First Nations. On June 21, 1899, on a point of land just south of present-day Grouard, Alberta, six leaders of the First Nations of Lesser Slave Lake signed a government-prepared document known as Treaty #8. All future land use and development in northern Alberta flowed from this event.

Map of the area covered by Treaty 8 The Treaty - In this section, you can read the treaty, see the original document, and see a map of the area covered by Treaty 8. Discussion and scholarship about the articles of the treaty will be presented.



First Nations gathered to meet Treaty #8 CommissionThe Setting - This section lays the ground for the events leading up to the signing of Treaty #8 and the process of negotiating treaty. Explore the Past and learn about the Treaty and Scrip Commission.


Chipewyan woman and child.The People, Their Places - This section describes the People and Places involved in the signing of Treaty #8. Learn about Lesser Slave Lake, meet the Treaty Makers and find out about the Treaty Commission. Featuring Northwind Dreaming, Fort Chipewyan 1788-1988.


berry picking1899 and After - This section is concerned with contemporary Treaty 8 issues, the Métis Nation and members of Treaty 8 bands today. Learn about contemporary Treaty 8 peoples including Art and Life Ways, what it means to have Treaty Status, the implications and contentions of the Treaty and the results of the 1999 Centennial Treaty 8 conference.