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Alberta Online Encyclopedia

The Effort to Build the Monkman Pass Highway

Alex Monkman was a former Klondiker who stayed in the Peace River country. He found the low pass that is named after him when he was on a hunting trip in 1923.

In an effort to improve transportation to the Peace River country he proposed that a road be built through the pass to the railroad town of Hansard in 1936. Monkman organized the Monkman Pass Highway Association to promote the construction of the highway to industry and government.

The construction of the 136 mile road began in the spring of 1937 with crews of unemployed men who were happy to have the work during the Great Depression.

Frank Murphy was the president of the Monkman Pass Highway Association. Murphy bought a 1928 Model T, which he called the pathfinder. He set out on 3 September 1937 to travel through the pass to Hansard. He abandoned the trip 28 miles from Hansard. The lack of funds and the coming of the Second World War, brought an end to the project.

The Monkman Pass Highway is still used to provide transportation to Kinuso Falls.

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            For more on the Peace River region of Alberta, visit Peel’s Prairie Provinces.
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