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Great Goalies

Run-and gun offense is synonymous with great Oilers hockey. Mobile defenceman and puck-handling forwards rush from one end of the rink to the other, creating numerous chances to score up-ice. Speed, crisp passing, and an accurate shot are the Oiler tools used to outscore opponents. But, when the puck suddenly turns the other way and the opposing team has a break away, an Oilers’ goalie is equal to the task.

Jacques PlanteOiler goalies know they must always be alert. A wide-open style of playing means that both goalies on the ice will feel pressure. The advantage for Edmonton is they always have a staple of great goaltenders that thrive in the clutch. From hockey revolutionary Jacques Plante to hall-of-fame goalie Grant Fuhr, strong performance in net allows forwards to take chances. Oiler teams of the eighties and nineties owe much to Andy Moog and Curtis Joseph, for when defensive play breaks down, and opponents have a clear shot on net, chances are anAndy Moog Edmonton goalie will stand his ground.

Their glove hands are legendary, their sticks active and their bodies like walls. The run-and-gun offense has nothing to worry about if things turn the other way.




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