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CKUA Top 5 Hot Files

1. Part 1 – Workshop West Theatre's artistic di...(Arts Alberta)
2. Part 1- Tony Dillon-Davis talks with the Jef...(Arts Alberta)
3. Part 1 – Tommy Banks talks to Allan Sheldon ...(Arts Alberta)
4. Part 1 – Colin McLean talks with Jim Marsh, ...(Arts Alberta)
5. Part 1 – The new theatre program at Grant Ma...(Arts Alberta)

Science & Technology Programs

David Suzuki, shown here in 1980, was the host of the popular science magazine series, DiscoverDavid Suzuki is perhaps the most recognizable face in CKUA's science programming. Few listeners would realize that he started his career studying fruit flies at the University of Alberta, but his impact on radio would be felt during the '80s in his show, Discover.

That, plus the 15-minute Alberta School Broadcasts produced for the Department of Education in the early '80s, is but one example of a more predictable use of the airwaves in the area of science in technology. But novel approaches to both edification and education would occasionally find their way to CKUA. In the late'60s, for example, doctors would update their skills in a pilot series sponsored by the U of A's Faculty of Medicine. The series would marry printed materials with a radio broadcast of a medical problem, showing new techniques of diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to Discover, there would be science-related adult-education programming, and other series that would make a mark such as Women in Science, Recombinant DNA and Beyond (biological engineering and its implications for society), The Chip and You (a 13-week guide to computers), and the award-winning basic science series, Listen to the Prairie, written by David and Andrea Spalding.

Lorne Wallace gathers sound for the series, A Walk in the Wild, 1982In 1981, one program in the Listen to the Prairie series, Prairie Rattlesnake, won the coveted Minister of Education Prize for Radio in the Japan Prize International Educational Program Contest.
In the '90s, CKUA has carried the ongoing science, research and technology series, Innovation Alberta, hosted by freelance producer Cheryl Croucher. The series has won an excellence in journalism award for Croucher from the Alberta Chamber of Resources. The success of this series led to the development of the independent web-based Innovation Alberta Omnimedia Project, a multimedia and publishing project that celebrates science and innovation in Alberta.

Other science and technology series still being broadcast include Earth & Sky, and The Climate Change. The latter series was launched in January and replaces the award-winning EcoFiles series, broadcast since 1996 and retired in fall 2002 after 312 episodes.

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