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Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Health and Wellness Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness

Facts Quiz

Facts Quiz

Word Search

Elementary Quiz

  1. What is usually dried, braided, and burned for use in Aboriginal ceremonies?
    1. sour grass
    2. sweet and sour sauce
    3. sweet grass

  2. She was the first entertainer to receive the National Aboriginal Achievement Award.
    1. Susan Aglukark
    2. Tantoo Cardinal
    3. Buffy Sainte-Marie

  3. This man was known as the “Chief of Chiefs”
    1. Big Bear
    2. Running buffalo
    3. Crowfoot

  4. Information not recorded in written format, but that is instead passed down through generations using stories and legends that are told by word and mouth are called?
    1. Oral Culture
    2. Oral Communication
    3. Oral History

  5. These people live in the very northern regions of Canada and prefer to be known by their own community name.
    1. Eskimo
    2. Cree
    3. Inuit

  6. The Cree people refer to themselves as Nehiyawak which means…
    1. exact people
    2. first people
    3. original people

  7. A collective name for the original peoples of North America and their descendants.
    1. First Nations
    2. Blackfoot
    3. Aboriginal

  8. Aboriginal people use traditional stories to help explain why things in the world occur or exist. These are called...
    1. Sharing circles
    2. Elders advice
    3. Legends

  9. What tree did aboriginal people use as a source of “chewing gum”?
    1. Rubber Tree
    2. Spruce Tree
    3. White Birch

  10. This actor was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in “Little Big Man.”
    1. Tom Jackson
    2. Dan George
    3. Graham Greene

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