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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Leadership Leadership

Fact's Quiz

  1. Who were the largest group of Aboriginal people to live near the St. Lawrence waterway?
    1. Plains Cree
    2. Ojibwa
    3. Iroquois

  2. The Great Binding Law is also known as…
    1. The Sharing Circle
    2. The Great Law of Peace
    3. Respect Your Elders

  3. What three clans were the Oneida organized into?
    1. Bear, buffalo, turtle
    2. Turtle, fox, wolf
    3. Wolf, turtle, bear

  4. A person who is older and is known as a spiritual and cultural leader is called…
    1. Grandparent
    2. Elder
    3. Older

  5. One of the original five tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy are known as ‘people of the hills,’ who are they?
    1. Onondaga
    2. Seneca
    3. Mohawk

  6. What group was the last Aboriginal nation to join the Iroquois Confederacy?
    1. Cayuga
    2. Tuscarora
    3. Mohawk

  7. Rather than living in Tipis, the Iroquois Confederacy used…
    1. Long Houses
    2. Log Houses
    3. Tents

  8. A(n) __________ is someone who sets an example for our behaviour.
    1. Hero
    2. Elder
    3. Role Model

  9. What is a large group made up of Nations called?
    1. Confederacy
    2. Dominion
    3. Consensus
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