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Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

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Many and more Aboriginal notables are represented on the Canadian Aboriginal Newspaper site at http://www.ammsa.com/windspeaker/index.htm. Choose the link “People of Honour.”

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Susan Aglukark

Susan Aglukark is a world famous performing artist who was born in Churchill, Manitoba. Her family eventually settled in Arviat, NWT, on the shore of Hudson’s Bay. Her music combines Inuktitut and English language with pop music in order to tell stories about Inuit Arctic Canada. She has won a number of Juno Awards, and was the first entertainer to receive the National Aboriginal Achievement Award.

Dr. Anne Anderson

Dr. Anderson has worked relentlessly over her career to promote the Cree language and culture. She produced a Cree-English dictionary and an impressive history book titled, “The First Métis: A New Nation.”

Tantoo Cardinal

Tantoo Cardinal was born in Fort McMurray, Alberta into the Cree nation. She has appeared in Dances with Wolves, Legends of the Fall, and the popular Canadian show, North of 60. In 1991, Maclean’s magazine named her Actress of the Year.

Angela Chalmers

Angela Chalmers is a track and field star that held a spot on the 1988 Canadian Olympic team.



Matthew Coon Comb

Of the Cree Nation, Matthew Coon Comb was born in a trapper’s hut in Quebec. He went to residential school and then completed studies at Trent and McGill University. He was Grand Chief of the Northern Quebec Cree from 1987 to 2000, which led to his election as National Chief for the Assembly of First Nations. He has won the National Aboriginal Achievement Award for his work in protecting the environment, and still spends time on his family’s traditional trap line each year.


Crowfoot had a reputation for courage and success in battle and was known as the “Chief of Chiefs” for his wisdom and oratory finesse. Crowfoot also had the unique habit of carrying an umbrella with him as he travelled across the prairies. He was also a leader in the signing of Treaty 7 at the Blackfoot Crossing on the Bow River. He died in 1890.

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