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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: Leadership Leadership

Facts Quiz

Facts Quiz


  1. Bill C-31 was passed so that….
    1. Racism in the Indian Act would be amended
    2. Discrimination in the Indian Act would be amended
    3. Sexual discrimination in the Indian Act would be amended

  2. Why was the Assembly of First Nations developed?
    1. To give the people a voice
    2. To reflect the sovereignty of Aboriginal People
    3. To organize the people

  3. What Alberta city the first national Aboriginal women's conference in 1971?
    1. Edmonton
    2. Red Deer
    3. Calgary

  4. What unique language combines Cree nouns and French verbs is spoken by many Métis?
    1. Mischief
    2. Michif
    3. Chifmi

  5. How many Métis settlements or colonies are there in Alberta?
    1. Twelve
    2. Seven
    3. Eighty

  6. A contract or agreement regarding a sum of money to be either paid yearly or at regular intervals is called….
    1. Paycheque
    2. Assimilation
    3. Annuities

  7. The process of trying to establish a new colony while imposing new beliefs, values, and attitudes on existing cultures was called…
    1. Colonization
    2. Mercantilism
    3. Nationalism

  8. Where did the development of the Métis Nation take place?
    1. United Kingdom
    2. Colonial New France
    3. France

  9. What is the largest Métis settlement in the province of Alberta?
    1. Paddle Prairie
    2. High Prairie
    3. Grand Prairie

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