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Heritage Community Foundation Presents
Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: LeadershipElementarySeniors Leadership

Instructional Plans

Outcomes and Introductory Activities:

10-1 and 10-2:

1.2 Appreciate why peoples in Canada and other locations strive to promote their cultures, languages, and identities in a globalizing world
1.4 Explore ways in which individuals and collectives express identities
1.9 Evaluate efforts to promote languages and cultures in a globalizing world
2.1 Recognize and appreciate historical and contemporary consequences of European contact, historical globalization, and imperialism on Aboriginal societies
2.4 Recognize and appreciate the validity of oral histories
2.6 Investigate impacts of cultural contacts between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples

20-1 and 20-2:

1.1 Recognize and appreciate that understandings of identity, nation, and nationalism continue to evolve
1.2 Acknowledge and appreciate the existence of alternative views on the meaning of nation
1.4 Appreciate why peoples in Canada and other locations seek to promote their identity through nationalism
1.5 Explore a range of expressions of nationalism
1.9 Examine nationalism as an internalized feeling, collective consciousness and/or identity shared by a people
1.10 Evaluate the relative importance of loyalty to nation amongst contending loyalties
2.8 Evaluate impacts of the pursuit of national self-determination
4.5 Examine multiple perspectives on Canada as a nation

30-1 and 30-2:

1.1 Appreciate various perspectives regarding identity and ideology
1.3 Explore factors that shape individual and collective identity
2.3 Examine origins of collective thought


Students will be introduced to the concept of leadership as presented throughout the Métis peoples struggle for recognition and equality within the Canadian government and constitution. Students will develop understanding of the Métis government structure, the role of Louis Riel, and the leadership role of the Métis Nation in contemporary times. Students will also examine other contemporary organizations that are providing leadership, empowerment, and opportunity for First Nations people in Canada.

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