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The First World War

The First World War came about as a result of a series of events and alliances among the countries of Europe. A war seemed inevitable on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo when Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist. The Austro-Hungarian government demanded that the Serbian government turn over all those who were involved in the assassination, but this demand was refused, resulting in the declaration of war by the Austro-Hungarian government on Serbia on 28 July 1914. Serbia's ally Russia announced the mobilization of its army. The Austro-Hungarian ally, German declared war on Russia on August 1, which caused Russia's ally, France to declare war on Germany on August 3. Germany quickly invaded Belgium to attack France, but Britain had treaties with both France and Belgium and declared war on Germany on August 4. It followed that Britain's colonies and dominions like Canada were at war as well.

After the first attack of the Austro-Hungarian forces the armies from Serbia and Montenegro had several successes, but after several months of fighting the fortunes for the Balkan armies turned and the Austro-Hungarian forces occupied Serbia and Montenegro. In January 1916 Montenegro conceded defeat while the Serbian army retreated to Albania, then to the Greek Island of Corfu.

While the Serbian forces were in Corfu they received assistance from France and Britain as they prepared to enter the war again. The Serbian army re-entered the war in 1917 on the southern front and were able to attain a series of victories, bringing about the liberation of Serbia by November 1918. The Serbian army continued on and occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina and moved into Voivodina.

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