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Grade 8 - Teacher Resources

Building a Birch Bark Canoe: The Algonquin Wabanaki Tciman-David Gidmark

ISBN 1-55068-053-6

This book provides wonderful information on the creation and building of a traditional Algonquin birch bark canoe. Four different craftsmen are highlighted allowing the reader to experience individual styles of canoes.

Stories of the Road Allowance People-Maria Campbell trans.

Theytus Books Ltd.

A collection of oral stories from the Métis that can be challenging for students to Understand, however it is an excellent portrayal of Métis culture.

Tracing One Warm Line: Poetry of Canada. Educational ed.-Elisabeth Mouland ed.

Breakwater Books (LRDC)

This collection of poetry includes Aboriginal perspectives as well as a survey of poetry from the early explorers to the modern era.

Houses of Bark: Tipi, Wigwam and Longhouse-Bonnie Shemie

Tundra (LRDC)

An examination of housing structures, including materials used and needed, of Aboriginal people across Canada.

Path of the Paddle: An Illustrated Guide to the Art of Canoeing-Bill Mason

ISBN 0-919493-38-6

Contains Aboriginal and Métis content on operating a canoe. Beautiful illustration compliment the reading.

Exploring the Fur Trade Routes of North America-Barbara Huck

ISBN 1-896150-04-7

This is an excellent and thorough resource that examines the historical trade routes of early explorers throughout North America. There is a wonderful amount of information about Aboriginal peoples and the many fur trading forts established.

Fifty Historical Vignettes: Views of the Common People-Don McLean

ISBN 0-920915-19-1

Métis people are the focus of fifty vignettes that examines their history from the fur trade period to contemporary times.

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