Social Landscape
Featured Articles
The Aspen Parkland:
A Biological Preserve
W. Bruce McGillivray
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The relationships between human cultures and their environments are both
close and complex. The great diversity of aboriginal cultures worldwide is, in
part, a function of environmental differences that shaped life histories.
Unquestionably, the land determined hunting practices, settlement patterns,
shelters, agriculture and recreational activities. The Aspen Parkland of
Alberta is not a great biome, such as a tropical rainforest or desert. It is
better defined as an ecotone or transition zone between the arid grasslands of
the south and the wetter, colder, boreal forest to the north. How its character
has shaped the lives of its human inhabitants is a question better put to a
sociologist. As a biologist, I want to explore the natural aspects of the land.
Perhaps from this perspective, we can begin to understand our feelings for the
place we call “home.”
The Parkland Natural Region1 is a north-south transition zone between dry
grasslands and boreal forest. It also is an east-west transition zone between
the foothills and grasslands. With only a few minor exceptions, it is a uniquely
Canadian landscape stretching across parts of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and
Manitoba. In Alberta, it covers about 10 to 15 per cent of the available landscape
for a total of 60,000 square kilometres. Today, it is the most densely
populated, and concomitantly, most heavily altered Alberta landscape. Geologists
and botanists have conspired to further define Parkland into three types – Peace
River, Central, and Foothills – but for those of us outside these two
disciplines, the differences among the three areas are relatively subtle.
Natural regions are built on rock substrate and soils and modified by
climate. The historical slate of Aspen Parkland substrate was wiped clean by the glaciers of the Wisconsin
advance. The ice left central Alberta from 20,00 to 12,000 years ago. Even then
the climate was not suited to Aspen Parkland, being initially too cold and
subsequently, too continental to support aspens. The present configuration of
Alberta habitats has likely existed for only a few thousand years.2 As the Aspen
Parkland is a fairly new and relatively heterogeneous habitat (that is, as a
transition zone, it varies considerably, especially from north to south), it is
not surprising that it has not spawned unique species or cultures.
Evidence of the glaciers’ passage is found in the surficial deposits that
form the soils and shape the land of the region. When the glaciers melted, they
released huge amounts of water creating lakes (and lake sediments) and powerful
rivers in wide or newly carved channels. These spillways now hold dry (“lost”)
rivers or chain lakes or are channels for modern rivers. Vast quantities were
carried and subsequently dropped by the glaciers. Large boulders litter the
Parkland as “erratics.” Mixed deposits dropped from the ice formed “moraines”-
more familiar as the “knob and kettle” feature of prairie potholes. The kettle
or depression, often filled with water, formed when ice buried under glacial
sediments finally melted causing the ground to slump. Other glacial features
left behind on the Parkland are drumlins (rounded hills) and eskers (sinuous
ridges), both formed from the deposition of materials in meltwater channels.
Wind-blown deposits of finely ground glacial debris and sand are scattered
throughout Central Alberta. The lakes that dot the region and the rivers that
cross it bear witness to the scouring of the ice and the erosive power of
flowing meltwater.
Cold temperatures are a modern feature of the Aspen Parkland. In fact, with a
mean annual temperature of 2 degrees C, and about 260 days with a reading below
0 degrees C, some might say that the Ice Age is still with us. The soils of the parkland
are dark and rich under grassland vegetation, but lighter and grayer in the
wooded areas. Solonetzic (salty) soils occur in the central Parkland, producing
the familiar alkaline character of many sloughs and lakes. The south to north
transition from grassland to boreal forest is mediated by climate and soils and
marked by vegetation. The southern parkland is known as groveland, a region
dominated by grasses but with scattered small clumps of aspens in depressions
that collect moisture. As the moisture content of the soils increases to the
north, so too does the frequency of trees, until at its northern limit the Aspen
Parkland is a solid forest.
The dominant tree of the Aspen Parkland is the trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides).
A second poplar, the balsam (Populus balsamifera), is more common in wetter
areas, along rivers, near lakes, and in the north. Tent caterpillars, the
scourge of the aspen and most other deciduous bushes, are unable to digest the
leaves of the balsam poplar. Interestingly, deer and foresters share the same
dislike for balsams. In aspen groves, the deciduous understorey has played an
important role in parkland kitchens. Fruits of the snowberry (Symphoricarpos
albus), saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia), chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), low-bush cranberry (Viburnum edule), and red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) provide a
natural harvest.