Doors Open Alberta Edukit Student Zone

Grade 3: Connecting with the World


Grade 3 students will investigate people's lifestyles from four diverse communities around the world. The contemporary communities examined will be drawn from India, Tunisia, the Ukraine and Peru. Students will examine how geographic, social, cultural and linguistic factors affect quality of life in communities around the world. Students will enrich their awareness and appreciation of how people live in other places. Their understanding of global citizenship will be further developed and they will recognize Canada's involvement in other parts of the world.


Grade 3 provides opportunities to explore the defining and diverse nature of communities around the world. There will be an exploration of how common human needs are met and how they contribute to the quality of life. Grade 3 also introduces students to global citizenship.

This Edukit

This Edukit provides an Alberta perspective to architecture to Grade 3 students by showing them that people from these divers groups have come to the province and built their own communities and buildings. Examples would include the Ukrainian Village, temples, mosques, and churches.

3.1 Communities in the World

Specific Outcomes
Values and Attitudes
Students will:

3.1.1 appreciate similarities and differences among people and communities:
►demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities other than their own

3.1.2 examine the social, cultural and linguistic characteristics that affect quality of life in communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
►What are the traditions, celebrations, stories and practices in the communities that connect the people to the past and to each other (e.g., language spoken, traditions, customs)?
►How is identity reflected in traditions, celebrations, stories and customs in the communities?
►How is cultural diversity expressed within each community?

3.1.3 examine the geographic characteristics that shape communities in other parts of the world by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
►In what ways do people in their communities depend on, adapt to, and change the environment in which they live and work?

3.2.1 appreciate elements of global citizenship:
►recognize how their actions might affect people elsewhere in the world and how the actions of others might affect them
►respect the equality of all human beings Social Participation As a Democratic Practice

 Knowledge and Understanding
Students will:

3.2.2 explore the concept of global citizenship by reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
►In what ways can individuals and groups contribute to positive changes in the world?
Dimensions of Thinking

Skills and Processes for Grade 3
Alberta Learning's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum is infused throughout the social studies program of studies.
Students will:

3.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
►evaluate ideas and information from different points of view
►choose and justify a course of action
►generate original ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
►compare and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources, such as information collected on the Internet

3.S.2 develop skills of historical thinking:
►correctly apply terms related to time, including past, present, and future
►arrange events, facts and/or ideas in sequence

3.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking:
►create and use a simple map to locate communities around the world that are studied in class
►use cardinal and intermediate directions to locate places on maps and globes
►apply the concept of relative location to determine locations of people and places
►apply the terms hemisphere, poles and equator

3.S.4 demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving:
►apply new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
►support proposed ideas, strategies and options with facts and reasons
►collaborate with others to devise strategies for dealing with problems and issues
►use technology to organize and display data in a problem-solving context

3.S.5 demonstrate skills of co-operation, conflict resolution and consensus building:
►demonstrate co-operative behaviour to ensure that all members of the group have an opportunity to participate
►demonstrate willingness to seek consensus among members of a work group
►consider the needs and points of view of others
►work and play in harmony with others to create a safe and caring environment
►share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task

3.S.6 develop age-appropriate behaviour for social involvement as responsible citizens
contributing to their community, such as:
►participate in projects that improve or meet the particular needs of their school or community

3.S.7 apply the research process:
►make connections between cause-and-effect relationships from information gathered from varied sources
►evaluate whether information supports an issue or a research question
►develop questions that reflect a personal information need
►follow a plan to complete an inquiry
►access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
►navigate within a document, compact disc or other software program that contains links
►organize information from more than one source
►process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered
►draw conclusions from organized information
►make predictions based on organized information
►formulate new questions as research progresses

Research For Deliberative Inquiry
Students will:

3.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
►organize and present information, such as written and oral reports, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
►listen to others in order to understand their points of view
►interact with others in a socially appropriate manner
►create visual images for particular audiences and purposes
►use technology to support and present conclusions

3.S.9 develop skills of media literacy:
►compare information on the same issue or topic from print media, television, photographs and Internet
►identify key words from information gathered from a variety of media on a topic or issue

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Grade 1 Science (Building Things)Grade 2 Mathematics (Shape and Space)Grade 3 Social Studies (Redflecting the World)Grade 4 Social Studies (Diversity and Development)Grade 5 Social Studies (Alberta's Growth and Development)

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