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Alberta Online Encyclopedia
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For King and CountryCopyright © 1995 Provincial Museum of Alberta
Edited by Ken Tingley
364 pages - Over 166 B&W; photos, foreword, preface, acknowledgements and individual article footnotes and bibliographies,
8 1/2'' x 11 1/2'', out of print, ISBN 1-895073-81-2.

Many individuals and groups assisted in bringing this project to completion. Provision of funds, donation of time and materials, support from archives and museums, generous gifts of time and talent in preparing articles, and outstanding service from people within the Provincial Museum of Alberta [now the Royal Alberta Museum] have all played a significant role in the development of the exhibit For King and Country: Alberta in the Second World War and the accompanying publication of the same name.

Gene Bince and Terry Collins of the Department of Veterans Affairs supported this endeavour by allowing Maurice Doll to address a joint meeting of the presidents of the Edmonton and area branches of the Royal Canadian Legion. The Royal Canadian Legion, Kingsway Branch 175 and Norwood (Alberta) Branch 178 donated funds to start the publication project for King and Country. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Montgomery Branch 24 and the Edmonton and District Historical Society also supported the project financially. Individuals made generous contributions as well: thanks to James A. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Campbell, Coral A. Davids-Fry, Murray Keicher, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turton. K.J. Clark Photography and Lab Services also offered financial support.

Many individuals made special contributions of time and effort. Contributors to the publication worked diligently under time constraints to produce quality articles. Mr. Ron Volstad, an enthusiastic supporter of the project, donated his original painting for use on the cover of the book and in headlining the exhibit. Mr. Allan Kerr of Milarm Ltd. provided artifacts and lent two dozen original Second World War posters for the exhibit, one of which appears on the back cover of this book.

Excellent graphic materials enhance the exhibit and the publication. A number of individuals writing articles contributed original photographs, and these are noted in the text of the book. Several institutions and individuals were very cooperative in this respect too. Thanks to: Bill Kent of the Canadian War Museum (CMW); Dr. Dave Leonard, Brock Silversides, Marlena Wyman and Dennis Hyduk of the Provincial Archives of Alberta (PAA); Pat Molesky of the Glenbow Archives (GA); Bruce Ibsen of the City of Edmonton Archives (EA); Alf Bogusky, Edmonton Art Gallery (EAG); Lorraine Mychajlunow of the Alberta Association of Registered Nurses Archives (AARNA); Alexander Makar of the Ukrainian Canadian Archives and Museum of Alberta (UCAMA); The Red Deer City Archives (RDMA); The University of Alberta Archives (UA); The Imperial War Museum (IWM); National Archives of Canada (NAC); Sir Alexander Galt Museum and Archives, Lethbridge (SAGMA).

Material for the book came to the Museum on a variety of word processing programs. We thank Sheila Tingley for her work in translating these to a standard format during the editing of the articles.

A strong creative team at the Provincial Museum of Alberta worked to produce the publication. Numerous individuals made contributions critical to the success of both components of For King and Country: Alberta In The Second World War. Dr. Bruce McGillivray, Assistant Director (Curatorial) was an energetic supporter from the beginning, and also worked to secure funding for and to promote the project. Dr. Philip H.R. Stepney, Director of the Provincial Museum of Alberta, provided leadership and support. Carolyn Lilgert was dedicated in preparing the design for the cover of the book. Her work enhances the outstanding painting provided by Ron Volstad for the book's cover illustration. Special thanks to Dr. James Burns for his meticulous copy editing and to Dr. Bruce McGillivray and Maurice Doll who also acted as copy editors. Mark Steinhilber, responsible for the book layout, has worked tirelessly and made many excellent suggestions. Computer scanning by Steve Fisher and cartography by Wendy Johnson have added significantly to the final product. Typists Colleen Steinhilber and Laura Pretula provided support and superior service throughout the production of the book.

Finally, we would like to thank the many contributors to the publication For King and Country: Alberta In The Second World War. They generously donated their time and effort under the tight time constraints imposed by the project. It was their articles which finally made the book possible.

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