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Alberta Online Encyclopedia and Edukits

Aboriginal Youth Identity Series: First Nations Contributions
teacher ZoneJuniorSenior

Generalization & Objectives

Teacher Information &
Introductory Activity

Main Lesson


Grade 8-9- Generalization & Objectives


Throughout history First Nations individuals have made powerful, important contributions to their communities and the First Nations people as a whole.


Students will be given the opportunity to research and discover the various types of contributions First Nations individuals have made to their communities since the late 1880’s to present day. This is an excellent opportunity to empower students into making positive changes in their own lives, families, and communities.



  • Students will become familiar with a least one First Nations individual for each given time frame
  • Students will recognize that positive contributions can be made in a variety of different ways
  • Students will increase their understanding and familiarity with their cultural history
  • Students will develop an appreciation for events and people in history
  • Students will identify how they think the contributions made on their time line have effected First Nations people


  • Students will develop research and comprehension skills
  • Students will gather information from the Student Zone web-component and draft a short biographical story of multiple First Nations individuals
  • Students will determine how to fit information on a time line


  • Students will develop a sense of pride in accomplishments and contributions of their ancestors
  • Students will strive to recognize that they too have the ability to make positive contributions to their families and communities
  • Students will appreciate cultural diversity by focusing on the positive contributions made by various First Nations individuals

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