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Edmonton Folk Music Festival

New City Jazz Festival

Edmonton Fringe Festival

National PlayRites Festival

Shakespeare in the Park

International Children's Festival

Alberta Dance Explosions Festival


International Children's FestivalAlberta is well known for its performing arts festivals and competitions during the summer months, many featuring local acts presenting their latest production to a hometown crowd. These events are a unique chance for the performers to bring their work to a wider audience as well as those who would not otherwise have a chance to attend a regular show.

Edmonton Folk Music FestivalCompetitions give participants a chance to gauge their skills against their peers and gain recognition beyond the local level. Showcase events such as the International Fringe Festivals in Calgary and Edmonton attract talent from all over Canada and the rest of the world to a central location, providing audiences with a cornucopia of acts to suit any taste.

One of the longest running festivals in Alberta is the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. Established in 1979, this annual event attracts hundreds of performers, thousands of fans and a small army of volunteers to the natural amphitheatre at Gallagher Park each summer.

"The Merchant of Venice"For many of Alberta's performing arts events, it is the prevailing sense of community that keeps attendance numbers high. Fans are able to return year after year with the expectation of a uniquely Albertan show, and visitors from around the world walk away with a greater understanding of this province and its people.

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Holger Petersen talks about the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. Listen Now

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